Chapter 18. Promise

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Ruby's pov

"I want to go back to my home, to my family, to my town," I and Eliza stared at each other in confusion. Why would she want that? As far as I know, her family neglected her. "Why?"

She frowned and said "Ruby, I miss my mom," Eliza rubbed her cheek "You can't go back, you know that,"

"I want to," She whined. "You can ask for something else," I said. "No, I said I want to go home," She whined more. "Fine, we will take you home," I said to silence her.

"No, we will not, Ruby don't get her hopes up, she will be heartbroken later when we don't take her," Eliza said to me.

Aiden sat up and glared at Eliza. "Eliza, You are not my caregiver,  she is, you have no right to decide where I go," Eliza ignored her.

"Aiden," I whispered and pulled her backward. "I will go if I want!" She growled and all the women in the room were staring at her. "Stop it," She kept huffing.

"Take her out, calm her down, and make her understand why she can't go back, "Eliza whispered to me but Aiden heard it. "I will go!" Aiden yelled.

I grabbed her by the waist and dragged her out. "Leave me, Ruby!" She shouted. "Calm down," I chuckled. "Why're you so angry?" I pinched her nose.

"Why is she trying to make decisions for me when she is not my caregiver, she has two littles, if she wants then she should force bullshit on them!" I hugged her.

"Relax" When she calmed down I said "I will convince her don't worry," She clenched her jaw. "You don't have to ask her,"

"I do, sweetie, I have to," Aiden just growled and walked away. I followed and stopped her. "I will take you there, don't be angry at me," she sighed, "I am not angry because of's..because of her, who the fuck she is to decide where I can go!" 

I hushed her. "Don't scream, I will go and talk to her about not interfering in your matters," She walked away with a huff.

I went to Eliza. "Did you explain it to her?" She asked. "No, I think we should take her to visit her family,"

"We can't" I sat down and said "Eliza, she misses her family, it should be okay for us to take her to visit her family," Eliza looked at me. "They would kill her, the moment she steps foot into the town, she would be dead,"

"What? why?"

"Because she was classified as a little, her father also the alpha found it disgraceful, so he ordered his people to kill her if they see her," Why would she want to go back then? "Keep in mind, whatever happens, you would not let her go back to that town,"

I nodded and went back to my room. Aiden was sitting on the edge of the bed with a scowl. She looked up and asked, "Did you tell her?" "Yeah, she agreed to not interfere again," I lied. She smiled "Good, we will leave tomorrow and I will introduce you to my family,"

" can't go," She stood up. "I am not going to leave you, we will stay together," I shook my head. "they will kill you,"

"Ruby, they can't!" She stomped her foot. "They don't care about you, it's useless going there," She looked at me and said "I will go, whether you agree or not,"

"No, you are not," Eliza came into the room.

"Stop interfering!" Aiden yelled. "I will not let you go back,"

"Do I look like I care, I said I'll go!" She spat again.

"Why can't you understand a simple thing?"

"Ruby ask her to leave!"

"Eliza please,"

"No, I will have to make her understand as you clearly can't," I was highly offended by that. "How? By fighting her, Screaming at her, making her annoyed? That stuff definitely won't work so you better leave her to me,"

She was a little taken back by that and said "Fine, I will leave her to you but if anything happens Ruby you will be held accountable,"

"Get out now!" Aiden growled. She left and I turned to Aiden. "If you leave, I would be in trouble please for me, don't go,"

"But I want to,"

"I will take you to visit your town but just wait for a little while,"

"I will go and come back in a day, nobody will know anything, I promise, Ruby"

"Aiden, baby just a little patience, I will take you in a few months, will you wait? For me?"

She thought for a while before saying "Fine," 

"Promise me,"

"yes, I promise," She spends the rest of the day sulking and trying to fight anyone who talks with her. It was night, I brought a bottle of milk for her to help her sleep.

She was laying in bed as I opened the door. "Baby, look what I brought for you" She looked and her face turned into disgust. "I don't like it, don't bring this stuff for me,"

"Aww," I pouted. "You forgot the rule?"

"No, I didn't...pour it into a glass,"

"Honey, this nursing bottle would help you sleep faster" She shook her head. I walked up to her and held the bottle to her lips.

"Come on, be good for," She whined and I put the bottle on her lips. I kissed her and cooed. "Come on," She sighed and took the nipple in.

I rested my back against the bed and patted her head as she drank. "How do you feel about breastfeeding?" She choked. I tsked "I don't want to!" She said angrily. "Jeez, Calm down, I just  wanted to know, If you're willing I was thinking about starting taking lactation pills,"

"I-I am not! I am not going to breastfeed just because I agreed to this, this" She pointed to the bottle and tried to throw it away. "Fine, fine, you don't have to, maybe Jack and Emily can breastfeed from me,"

"No! Why?! They have a caregiver," I smirked. "Well, my baby doesn't want to nurse so...." I chuckled as her face got tensed. "But, you are my mate," She said in a small voice.

"I don't have any problem and maybe I can get a permanent little since my girlfriend doesn't want to be a little," I teased.

"''s not allowed, yeah not allowed...not allowed by......the moon goddess," She stammered. I could see her lie. I hummed deeply and hugged her and put the bottle in her mouth.

"I am not a wolf, That rule doesn't apply to me," She was sucking hard. "I will go get you a diaper," I chuckled at her distress and went out.

I grabbed a bag of diapers for her. When I came back, she was not in bed. I went into the bathroom to check but she was not there as well. I was about to out to find her when a cool breeze hit me. I turned and saw the windows wide open. "No, please god, no, don't tell me she...Fuck,"

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