Chapter 24. Saved

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Claire's pov

Ever since I got kicked out. I have only one thing running through my veins. Revenge. Well Karma did its job and she lost her wolf to the newbie but that didn't change my intention. I wanted to hurt but I couldn't do anything until a few days earlier when Aiden's sister visited me.


I looked up as the door opened. Someone entered and I stood up. It was a werewolf. "What are you doing here," I was up for a fight but I stopped when she said "A wolf wouldn't be that stupid to just barge into a Vampire's?" I waited for her to complete it. "I know all the stuff that has happened to between you Aiden and Eliza"

"Get to the point," Shee walked in and sat on my couch. "How about you kill her?" I laughed "Eliza is way older and stronger than me," She shook her head  "Not her, Aiden, kill her and get your revenge on Eliza" "what is in it for you?" "She is my sister" I squinted my eyes and smirked "Wow, she managed to even piss off her own sister, impressive,"

"My father passed away recently and Aiden has found her mate if she comes back and asks for the spot of Alpha and the leadership, I wouldn't be able to decline it because according to our rules, the child of the alpha who found their mate first will become the Alpha but She is not worth it,  I am, but unfortunately I haven't found my mate yet,"

I smirked and said "anything for revenge," Soon I and Angel were outside the academy, waiting for the correct moment. The window to her room opened and Angel slyly climbed the walls with a stick in her hand. She moved until she could get closer to their window and raised her stick to hit her.

Angel caught her and we took her to their town where she had a house ready for me. I threw her down on the floor. "So let's get started," I said and picked up a knife to shove it in her but Angel stopped me. "Don't kill her,"

I looked in confusion. "Well, She is my sister, after all," I laughed "Are you crazy? Did you forget you were the one who asked me to kill her?" She smirked "Would you have helped me if I told you I just wanted Aiden away from her mate?" I clenched my hands and took a step forward. "You could have done it by yourself, you didn't need me for that!"

She rolled her eyes and said "I needed someone to look after her," I wrapped my arms around her neck. "Oh relax, you wanted to hurt Eliza didn't you? Keeping her away from Eliza would hurt Eliza enough," She is not wrong tho. I loosened my grip and said "I am not going to babysit her,"

"I have someone who would do that, Harper!" A girl came from upstairs. "Aiden always thought she was going to be a caregiver so we will make her Harper's caregiver, she will be too busy with Harper to be able to think about going back," "I didn't understand the point of me staying here if you already have someone to keep an eye on Aiden,"

"She is just a little she wouldn't be able to keep Aiden under control, but you would, you have already scared her with the whooping so she won't try something in front of you," It boosted my ego hearing that Aiden was scared of me. "Fine, I will help you,"

"I will go now, text me when she gains consciousness, and don't hurt her," She said and left.

I picked up Aiden and tied her down in a basement. "So, Harper, that girl down there is going to be your caregiver and.." She shook her head "I know, she isn't my caregiver, I know about the plan," "Good,"

*End of flashback*

And now....I watched as the two ran away from the house. I didn't try to catch them or stop them, instead, I called Angel and told her about them. She said she will deal with them and ended the call.

Aiden's pov

"Aiden, are you scared?" She asked. "No," I mewled. "Why are you crying then," "I am not! I am tired and..and my head hurts, my hand hurts, everything hurts and I hate you!" "Don't forget I helped you out" I sniffed up and said "Fuck you!"

"Oh my god, the babies are having a fight?" Angel said as she came in with Claire. Claire laughed and said "See, this is how she repays you," Angel came and sat in front of me. She picked my face and said "someone has been crying,"

"I have not," I yanked my head away. She cherished my cheeks and untied me. "Take her," She said to Claire who tried to grab me. I moved away and said "I am not going anywhere," Claire grabbed me by the collar and pinned me against the wall.

I groaned as she said "Listen you stuck-up little piece of shit, they aren't going to come back for you so come along before I smack you," I kicked her and pushed her. "Fuck you!" "Do you think they would want you? They are caregivers, and you aren't interested in being a little, Ruby must be happy that you are gone, she can get a little for herself now," Ignore her, she is trying to manipulate you.

I huffed in anger as I tried to stop the threatening tears. I rubbed my eyes and growled. "She is my mate!" She smirked and said "Does it matter? She is gone now," A certain familiar scent hit my nose as The door was broken down and a shadow was seen. "No, she has not," Eliza? The girl entered and Yes it's Eliza! My heart exploded with happiness as I ran towards her and hugged her.

She wrapped her arms around me and I mumbled "Thank god, you're here" She placed a kiss near my ear and said, "Yes baby, now leave me so I can teach them a lesson, yeah?" I broke the hug and watched as she went to them. It's better if we leave. I told my wolf and was about to leave when the girl called "Hey!" I looked at her and groaned.

I went to her and freed them as Eliza single-handedly beat their asses. I was going out when she stopped me. "what?" "where are you going?" "" She furrowed her eyebrows and said, "Who is going to help your mate then?"

"she is not my mate! and she is very strong, see how she is handing them their asses," I pointed at Eliza. She rolled her eyes and pulled me back in. I stood there as they both fought. What are you waiting for?  Go and fight. You know my body is hurting mad crazy, how am I going to fight?

Stop being a weak bitch. She said. I frowned as I rolled up my sleeves and joined that girl in fighting Claire because she was getting terribly beaten by her and Eliza's doing well. I pulled her hair and slammed her against the wall. "Wow, this is so satisfying," I said and punched her face hard.

I hissed at the pain that caused my fingers and punched her again. She grabbed my collar and pushed me down to the ground as she twisted my arm. I groaned but the girl was quick to get her away from me. I rubbed my hand and helped her in the fight.

Just when we got the upper hand Angel also got the upper hand in their fight. What a sisterly connection. I snickered and went to help Eliza. Angel grabbed my hand and said "No need to try to get included," Eliza held her back for me as I scoffed and raised my other hand to hit her.

I smiled in satisfaction when my fist landed on her face. She freed herself and started hitting me. Eliza punched her back and we heard "Stop it!" We all stopped at the sound of my mother.

I turned around and saw Ruby and my mom. I smiled as slipped out of Angel's grip and went to them. My mother's eyes softened as she saw me. "Aiden..." She whispered and pulled my into a hug.

"How much I missed you" I smiled softly and freed myself from her and said "I wanted to come but," I looked at Ruby and she said "Are you okay?" I nodded. She kissed my forehead and wrapped her hand around my shoulder. "Angel, Explain all this,"

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