Chapter 32. Toy store

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Ruby's pov

We were in a car and driving back, Aiden was really tired, she was resting her head on Eliza's lap while her legs were in mine, and was hugging the stuffed bear. We stopped in front of a toy store to buy Aiden a stuffie so she can let go of this toy by that stupid woman.

How can she dare to touch Aiden like that when her mate is fucking there. Aiden was blinded by the toy to realize how inappropriate the woman was touching her thighs and the sluty look she was giving was screaming her intentions.

I moved toward Eliza and asked her. "Should we buy it for her now?" Eliza nodded and I inquired Kristen. "Kristen, can we please stop by some toy store?"

"Of course‐but why?" She asked. "We sorta told Aiden we would buy her a stuffed bear on the way back," Her eyes widened as she looked back at Aiden in our laps. "Aiden you really agreed on getting a toy?"

Aiden's face remained on Eliza's stomach without any movement or response to that. "She is sleeping, I guess, we can take her to the toy store some other day,"

"No," we both said simultaneously. None of us wanted that toy in Aiden's hand, "I mean I promised her in the morning, she would be hurt when she gets to know I broke my promise," I explained.

"She would be more bothered if we woke her from her sleep," Kristen stated. "But you're right, Wake her up, we will take her," Kristen added.

I looked at Eliza and she looked at me. She raised an eyebrow and darted her eyes to Aiden's sleeping body, indicating me to wake her up. I frowned as I slowly tried to pull Aiden up. I sighed as I looked at the adorable sleeping face. "How can I wake her up when she looks so cute and peaceful?"

Eliza smiled and shook her head before mumbling "She does," Eliza put her hand on Aiden's neck and guided her up. Aiden's eyes opened but she closed them as soon as she reached up and rested her head on Eliza's shoulder.

"Let's go, get you a new toy,"

Her eyes flickered and eventually opened. The driver stopped the car. Eliza turned Aiden's head to the side and pointed to the toy store. "See," Aiden's eyes lit up as the stuffed bear fell from its grip.

"Shall we go?" Kristen asked rubbing her cheeks. Aiden nodded eagerly. Aiden was the first to get out of the car and us inside the store before any of us got a chance to even get out of the car.

She was staring at all the toys in amusement. Her eyes carry need and desperation for every toy she lays her eyes on. "Wow! Can I buy more than one?" She asks. "Of course, princess," Eliza planted a kiss on her head.

I grabbed a cart for her and carried it with her. Eliza and Kristen stopped at a side to talk so me and Aiden roamed around as she filled the cart with tons of stuffed toys, toy cars, and a few dolls and action figures.

She was going to the legos section when I stopped her by the arm "The cart is full, sweetie," She shrugged "You get another one while I select more,"

"You still need more?" I chuckled. She nodded her head her concentration on the Legos. "You already have grabbed so many, where would you keep them?" I ruffled her hair. She groaned "We will figure something out," I pulled her cheek and went to get another cart.

"Is she done?" Kristen asked. "No she has filled the cart, she needs another one," Eliza widened her eyes. "What do you mean by filled the cart? You were gone for like 10 minutes,"

"She just-you know...." I shrugged. "I will go talk to her," she walked away. Kristen and I looked at each other and followed her. "It's Eliza I think, we are perfectly capable of buying her as many toys as she wants," Kristen said.

Eliza turned around and explained. "It's not about the money, I don't want her to spoil her so much," I hummed, she was right, Aiden is already....a little difficult so it would be better if we don't set little boundaries.

Eliza stopped in front of Aiden who tried to walk past her to get to the other toys but Eliza put her hand in front of her and said as she bent down "Baby, you can't get more," A scowl appeared on Aiden's face as she asked, "why?"

Eliza wrapped her arm around her and said "Because I said so,"

Aiden kicked the floor and whined "But I want more," Eliza cupped her cheek and said "You want them but you don't need them, you have already selected a lot," Aiden clenched her jaw and crossed her arms angrily.

"You can get more, but some other day," I rubbed her shoulder. She sighed and looked at Eliza for confirmation. Eliza passed smiled and nodded. Aiden uncrossed her arms and agreed.

Eliza and Kristen went for the payment while I took Aiden to the car. Aiden was falling asleep waiting for them. "Do you want to sleep?" I asked. She stared out of the window and shook her head.

I put my hand on her back and said "You sure?" She gave no response but eventually crawled into my lap. I adjusted her in my lap as she buried her head in my neck. I gently swatted her.

When we returned Eliza took Aiden from me to the room while I stayed back with Kristen and the servants taking the toys in. "Shall we take this to Alpha's room?" One of them asked. I shook my head "No, keeping them down, she is sleeping, you can take them up later,"

After everything was brought in, Kristen was looking at me like she was trying to say something but she didn't say it. I went up to Aiden's room. I saw Eliza closing her blouse. I turned my face around and apologized. "Oh! I am sorry!"

"It's alright, I was just pumping the milk," She said. "I am done," She added. I turned around and rubbed my hands awkwardly. She chuckled. "It's not a big deal,"

"So what you gonna do with that?" I pointed to the bottle of milk in her hand. Before she could respond, Harper came into the room, chirping Aiden. "Aiden,"

"Shh," we both said simultaneously as Eliza looked at her bottle and Harper. "Baby, would you like to drink this milk," She scrunched her nose. "No, these are for babies, give it to Aiden, I am a big girl," She explained cutely.

"Well, even big girls drink milk, even mommies and daddies drink milk," Eliza told her. "Not from the nursing bottle obviously,"

"You can pour it into a glass and drink it," She thought about it and said "I will drink it only if Aiden plays with me,"

"Done," Eliza handed over the bottle and Harper left. "What is with the little ones tryna be big, nowadays," Eliza said and I chuckled.

A/N: Would you like any future love-making scene with the details or just hinted?

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