High-School Years

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"Good morning, Evan," Mrs. Charlotte Stuart greeted her sophmore student with a warm smile. "How was your student exchange in Germany?"

"It was awesome! We got to see Berlin, Munich, and Frankfurt. Not to mention, all the cool activities we got to do!" Evan Buckley beamed in excitement.

"I'm happy you enjoyed my recommendation," Mrs. Stuart smiled, glad to see how much her young student had changed from the angry boy that had arriaved to her boarding school over a year ago.

Germantown Boarding School for the Gifted is a private STEM high shcool in Penssilvania. The best university preparation school in the state. Evan Buckley had arriaved at the yong age to 13, having graduated from middel school a year earlier. He was a brilliant and kind boy, with a golden heart. He aced all his classes and made friends right and left. The only issue was that he was touch starved and neglected by his own parents, who could not wait before shipping him off. He had a lot of low self-esteem issues, doing anything to get attention. Even hurting himself, when good grades didn't seem to do it. No matter how bad it sounded, Charlotte was gllad Evan had come to her school and gotten away from the toxic situation in that house. She will not call that place a home, especially, after his sister left when he had been eight.

Mrs. Stuart rapidly got him in therapy, which was mandatory after he exploded the lab. That and his parents paying for a new lab stopped him from being expelled. He was furious at first, but after a while he enjoyed being able to talk to someone and being heard. He began to realize that what his parents were doing was wrong and not any fault of his. Evan still has a long way to go, but, at least, he stopped beinf reckless on porpuse. Realizing that it was an unhealthy coping mechanism and now he took carefully calculated risks.

All the same, it still gave Charlotte heart attacks. Especially, when he is in the rink. His adrenaline addiction being aided by joining the boxing club.

He was still Evan Buckley after all.

"I also enjoyed German Summer Camp in Austria!" Evan was almost jumping on his seat in excitement. "We went to Vienna, Salzburg, and Innsbruck! We learned so much about history and culture! I even got certified level A2 in the Test Daf, in german!"

"For someone who only started learning the language a year ago, it is incredible! I am so proud of you!" Mrs. Stuart told her 14 years-old-stdent warmly. "Are eyou interested in persuing a career in history?"

"Oh, not really," Evan answered startled. "I love history, it's so interesting learning about what happened and how that affected our present. Not to mention, how the socio-economic and political climate shapped various historical events," Evan was getting excited, talking about his favorite subjet. "Buy I am too active to get a job in history, I would lose my mind!" Charlotte laughed at his adorable pout, making Evan preen. "I... do you recall when the firefighters came after I blew up the lab? I thought that they were so cool! So, I did a lot of research and fell in love with the job!" He turned to his german teacher carefully, but relaxed once he saw no judgement, but pride in her eyes. "I would like to obecome a fire fighter," he confessed softly, for the first time out loud.

"Then you should start looking into getting into the University of Florida," Charlotte began taking out some pamphletes from her drawer. "They have the best Fire Science program in the country and a good history program as well."

"Cool!" Evan exclaimed, taking the pamphletes with eagerness. "I would also like to participate in the half-year student exchange program again and the German Summer Camp... it's not like I have anyone waiting for me back at home."

Charlotte smiled sadly at her student, her heart breaking for the poor boy. Not understanding how his parents could not love such a caring and brilliant boy.

"Well, I recommend the Switzerland student exchange and the German Summer Camp in Liechtenstein," Mrs. Stuart took out more pamphletes and gave them to Evan- who looked more excited than sad now. "In Switzerland you'll be going to Zurich, Geneve, and Zermatt. As for Liechtenstein, you'll be seeing Vaduz, Balzers, and Malbun."

"This is amazing!" Evan was fascinated by all the activities he would be doing. Like skiing, seeing the Gutenberg Castle, visiting the Treasure Chamber of the Principality of Liechtenstein.

"If you are also interested in doing the same for the next year, I'll recomment the studdent exchange program with Belgium and the German Summer Camp in Luxembourg," Mrs. Stuart tookd out even more pamphletes- how many does she have hidden in her drawer?! "In Belgium you'll be staying in Bruges, Brussels, and Ghent. In Luxembourg you'll be staying in Luxembourg, Vianden, and Mullerthal."

"Nice! Please sign me up for all of them!" Evan made the rapid decision, having looved going to Germany and Austria.

"Ha, ha, let's start with the Switzerland first," Charlotte chuckled. "We'll see the rest afterwards. Anything else?"

"Yes," Evan turned back to serious and straightened his back. "Please, from now on, call me Buck."

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