LA - Part VI

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"How is it going on with Maddie?" Eddie asked him one day at the station, a couple of months after her first appearance, as they were cuddling in the sofa before the station's TV.

"Better, she is still staying at my place, but she is starting her job at the 911 dial center next week. She's excited. I have also finally convinced her to start going to therapy," Buck answered, enjoying being the small spoon. "That bastard having been shot resisting arrest did help her feel safer, that's for sure."

"I still can't believe he was that dumb," Eddie shook his head in disbelief.

A month ago Buck had told him that they finally had everything ready to arrest Maddie's husband, but the bastard tried to escape and even went to attack a female police officer- which got him shot in the head.

"Not dumb, arrogant," Buck growled. "He never thought he would get caught."

"Mmm, what I found hilarious is you going to your ex-boyfriend's younger brother for help," Eddie chuckled, trying to change the topic of conversation.

"Jay is a good friend," Buck replied with a chuckle. "Also, Will is very happy with Connor. I am even waiting for a wedding invitation! I'll tell them to add Chris to my mandatory plus one."

"Your ex is inviting you to his wedding?" Eddie was stunned. He knew his boyfriend previous relationships ended in friendly terms, but this was on another level.

"Yeah, Connor even asked me to be his best man, Jay will be Will's," Buck smiled at Eddie, who shook his head chuckling and kissed the blond's forehead.

"What about TK? Does he also have wedding bells around the corner?" Eddie joked, but got worried when Buck frowned. "Everything ok?"

"Not really," Buck sighed. "TK hasn't dated anyone since his boyfriend cheated on him a couple of years ago. But he is ok being single and working his way up the ladder. However, what worries me is Owen, TK's dad... he was diagnotized with lung cancer."

"Dios," Eddie swore. "How is TK taking it?" He asked, knowing about Buck's ex-boyfriend's issues with drugs.

"He has moved in with his mother, to make sure he is not tempted to take drugs..." Buck sighed. "It's been hard on TK, but therapy and being there for his dad while he is going through chemo has been helping. Having his mom by his side has been good for him."

"Family is always good to have around," Eddie commented with a smile. "I'm glad he has been doing better. Hey... instead of going to San Francisco like we had planed, why don't we take Chris to New York City? He'll love it there and you can check on with the Strand family. I know how much they mean to you."

"Really?" Buck turned around from laying back-to-chest against Eddie, to chest-to-chest. "I love you!" Buck kissed him rapidly on the lips, as they had to keep the PDA to a minimun while working. "We'll celebrate later tonight," Buck promised him huskily, as they had to get up to answer a call right at the moment.

So, that's what they did. They celebrated that night and the following day they changed their plane tickets. Chris was all for New York City, loving the idea of visiting FAO Schwarz, the biggest toy shop he has ever been to, and watching the Broadway Musical Cats. Buck was delighted that he had been in time for the surgery and was able to be there for his friend and family.

That was not the only trip they had to reschedule, once again later that year, they had to postpone the trip to San Francisco to go to Chicago for the wedding of Connor and Will. Once again Chris had no issue with the change, he loved Chicago and found his new favorite food: deep dish pizza.

Eddie was nervous about meeting Buck's first found family and his Chicago friends. Ironically, it was only after Kelly had given Eddie the shovel talk that Diaz had relaxed and began enjoying the trip.

Unlike, Buck and Chris he did not have a love for adventure and traveling, preferring the normalcy and routine of their lives. However, he does adore watching Buck and Chris have the time of their lives. Both of them too similar for not being blood related.

They all had fun... until, they caught the news of the bombing of a firetruck in LA. Of course, it had to be the 118 firetruck! Luckily, by some grace of God, no one had ended up under the truck. But it did cut their trip short as they had to fly back home. At least, the wedding had had already passed.

They got back to LA to a Fire House in shambles. Bob had been reinstated in lights of what had happened, somthing that should never had to have happened in the first place, but he was in no way capable of doing this alone. The guilt was consuming him alive. That's what Buck was there for.

It took them months, but it was finally ok for Buck to leave the Fire House without it going to shit. By the time that was possible, Buck all but kidnapped Eddie and Chris to San Francisco. He had been so stressed lately that it was embarassing how fast he had bought the plane tickets. They saw the bridge, the Palace of Fine Arts, Union Square, and the Japanese Tea Garden, of the many placed they've had visited.

The trip itself was not the issue, but the return back home.

Buck had gone to grab their bags when he heard the familiar voice calling him out: "Lieutenant Buckley!"

The blond rapidly turned around, face losing its color when he saw the dreaded man holding a gun.

"Buck!" Was screamed as the gun fired. "No! No, Buck, don't do this to me!"


"Chris! Stay back and cover your eyes!" Eddie shouted to his son, as he tried to put preasure on the blond's chest. He sighed in relief when a security officer grabbed him and put his face on her chest, blocking the view of the dead body only a few feet from where he was kneeling. "Come on Buck, stay awake the ambulance is on its way."

"Ja-Jason Mo-Mont," Buck coughed.

"Buck! Don't speak! Save your energy!" Eddie told him, using all of his field training to mantain his calm.

But Buck kept on going. "Ja-Jason Mo-Mont."

"Jason Mont? Who is he?" Eddie asked him in confusion and worry.

"Hey! Isn't that guy the one that bombed firefighters in Chicago a couple of years back?" The security officer that had taken down the shooter asked.

"Jason Mont... that's the guy you stopped back then? Is he the one that shot you?!" Eddie asked Buck in disbelief. "Wasn't he supposed to be in prison?!"

"He was, but escaped a couple of days ago," a furious Athena answered as she knelt next to Eddie and caressed the blond's cheek gently. "Oh, Buckaro, don't worry, we've got this." She stood up and turned to the police officers that had followed her with a stern expression. "What are you waiting for? An invitation?! Secure the scene!" She turned back to Eddie and smiled at him. "I'll look after Christopher don't worry."

Then the paramedics came in and took over Buck. It hurt Eddi's heart to leave him but he had to take care of Chris right now.

"Daddy, is Bucky ok?" Chris asked him tearfully as he hugged his dad.

"Bucky got hurt, buddy, but he is being taken care of right now. Chris I need you to be strong for me... for us. Can you do that?" Eddie asked him with a heavy heart, wincing when Chris nodded tearfully. "I need you to stay with Aunty Athena. She'll take you to abuela's. I need to be there for Bucky. Can you do that?"

"Yes, daddy, bring him back home," Chris requested in fear.

Eddie could not promise him anything. Not when he did not know how bad the injury was. So, he simply kissed his forehead and passed him to Athena, silently thanking the officers who had covered the body. He then rushed to catch up with the paramedics and joing them into the ride to the hospital.

Eddie did not know when he got to the hospital or how he managed to call the Fire House, Mrs. Smith, the Avery twins, tía Pepa, and Maddie, to inform them of what had just happened. But he did. Hours later, the waiting room was filled with angry, worried, and tearful first responders. Not to mention, the extended Diaz family, who had already adopted Buck way before he had started dating Eddie.

It was only when the doctor came out fro surgery that he snapped out of it. "Mrs. Smith?" The doctor asked and Buck's surgorate mother stood up shakily and walked towards her, with the rest of us following closely behind. "I would like to inform you that Evan Buckley has been stabilized and he will have a full recovery."

There was a pause in the room before cheers of celebration rang around them.

"Thank God!"

"I knew he would be ok! He is one tough cookie!"

"Thank you doctor!"

"The Lieutenant is inmortal! I knew it!"

"The bullet nicked a heart artery and got stuck to a bone, which complicated the surgery but as I said before he will fully recover," the doctor continued to explain. "However, it will take time and the process will be slow. He will also need someone to look after him for the first month."

"I will," Maddie popped in. "I already live with him, I was planning on looking for a house but that can wait."

"I will also help," Eddie joined in. "Christopher will have my head if I do not take him to see his Bucky frequently."

"We all will," tía Pepa assured him, with all the firefighters, paramedics, the Avery twins, Athena, and Mrs Smith nodding behind her.

Buck had a big family. One that will not turn their backs on him. So, be ready for it Buck! They will smother you with so much love and care that you will be begging for space!

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