Chapter 21

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I'm in my office pacing where I've been for the past hour. After Addie ran out of our room, after I stupidly marked her, I was hit with all of her emotions – pain, guilt, fear, rage. I've been trying to give her space because I know she needs to calm down on her own but it's so hard, as the only thing I want to do is go and comfort her.

That was not the way I wanted this to happen, but I was getting so frustrated with her when we were yelling back and forth. The heat that was radiating from her also didn't help the situation. Because as much as I didn't want to mark her, that was all my body was craving to do because of the bond.

I stop in my tracks as I realize that her emotions have subsided in me. I instantly mind link Bash and a couple of the other pack members to get their asses in my office immediately.

It takes five minutes for them all to show up and Bash is the first to talk "What's up Oliver?"

"Look, I marked Adelaide." A cheer comes from Bash but I glare at him with a Shut the fuck up and listen stare, which stops him instantly.

"The pain was a lot for her, and she took off into the forest to shift into her wolf form. It's been over an hour and I think she's passed out somewhere now. I need you all to help me look for her. Take a blanket to wrap her in if you find her, but don't you dare fucking touch my mate" I growl out at them, knowing that her body will shift her back to her naked human form if she's passed out.

"If you find her first, mind link me immediately. Do you understand?" I glare at each of them until they bow their head respectively to their Alpha.

Once Bash comes back with a handful of blankets the five of us split out to different areas of our territory. I head out to the first place I can think she might have gone to.

It only takes me ten minutes to reach the clearing, and as I break through the trees, I spot her body by the river. In a split second I am beside her and cover her with the blanket. I bend down and gently pick her up, trying not to jostle her, and start to carry her home. I mind link Bash to let him and the other guys know that I've found her.


It took me twice as long to get back home carrying Adelaide. I had taken her straight up to our bedroom and tucked her in and then crawled in beside her and watched her until I fell asleep with her in my arms.

"Hey" I hear a muffled voice through my sleep. I grunt back at the noise and get hit with a pointy finger stabbing me in the chest.

"Ok, ok, I'm up" I say as I open my eyes. I see Addie sitting up with her knees tucked up into her chest.

"Hi" she says sheepishly.

I sit up and lean against the headboard. "How are you feeling?" I ask her.

"Umm, fine, my neck hurts a little bit" she says as she gently touches her hand to her neck.

I pull her into my lap and lightly kiss her neck where I marked her. "I'm sorry, Addie" I breath out.

She takes a deep sigh "It's ok Ollie, I kind of asked for it."

"No, Addie, it's not ok. I shouldn't have marked you like that" I tell her. I watch as she bites her bottom lip, trying to stop it from trembling.

I grab her neck and slowly rub my thumb across her check. "Please Addie, just let me explain." She nods her head into my hand.

"I'm sorry, Addie. Of course, I wanted to mark you. I've wanted to mark you since I pulled you out of that classroom the first day. But I also wanted to make things special for you, and you can only have your first time once. I wanted us sleeping together to be a happy memory, and not tarnished by the pain of being marked. All I want to do is protect you Addie."

A tear falls down her cheek and I quickly wipe it away. "Please say something Addie?" I beg her.

She leans forward and kisses me but pulls away too quickly. "Thank you" she says.

I let out a chuckle "thank you?" I ask.

"Yes, thank you. Thank you for caring about me" she says as she blushes. "No one's ever cared about me the way you do. And I'm sorry for overreacting. I should have never let Levi get into my head."

A growl escapes from me as I snarl out "what did you just say?"

"Umm, nothing. It's nothing" she says as she turns away from me.

"No, Adelaide it's not nothing. Please, I need you to tell me what happened. Why did your brother hurt you?" I beg her.

Adelaide starts to shake her head back and forth, and I grab her neck and look straight into her eyes. She looks so scared and I feel her pain and fear rush into me. "Addie I can feel what you're feeling and I'm not going to drop this. Please tell me what's happened?"

She takes a deep breath and nods her head "Ok, but you can't freak out and you can't interrupt because if you do, I won't be able to continue" she says.

"Ok" I nod to her.

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