Chapter 31

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Sebastian and I were training at the gym when I heard Addie's voice faintly flicker through my mind.

Ollie. That was it. My name was all she said. I had tried reaching back out to her but I got no response. For the past ten minutes I have been frantically trying to get a response from her but it's been absolutely nothing. "Fuck!" I yell out.

"Hey, look man, we'll find her" Sebastian says calmly. Too fucking calmly.

"Oh, ya? And how the fuck do you expect us to do that?" I almost scream at him.

"First off, you need to take a fucking breath" he spits back at me, and a growl escapes from my chest. "Ollie, calm down and think about this. You guys are mated, if anything serious would have happened to her you'd have felt it. Did you? Can you feel that she's gone or is she just not responding?"

I take a deep breath in and let his words sink in – he's right. "Yes, she's still there."

"Ok, so then focus on her. Dr. Jenkins says that there's been studies on mates being able to find one another without any outside interference. You can do this, use the bond and seek her out" he says.

I take another deep breath, close my eyes and focus on her. Focus on her touch, on her presence on her laugh. Slowly but sure enough I can start to feel a tug on my wolf that I can't exactly explain. Opening my eyes I look to Bash and see him watching me intently. I give him a slight nod and say "I can feel her. She's close."

"Ok" he answers. "Let me call some back-up, and we'll go find her."


It took less than five minutes for five of my pack members to show up. I briefly explained the situation and we started to head off campus. We had shifted into our wolves, not only because our senses were heightened in this form, but my wolf could feel the connection with Addie even better than I could.

After a twenty-minute run through the forest that backs the quad, we can hear voices in the distance so we stop and shift back into our human forms. We slowly continue to approach and I give the order to split into two groups of two and one group of three. I send the first two groups to circle around their position, and I take Sebastian and Mark (one of our biggest warriors) to approach from our current position. Just as we get to a clearing, I see Levi pick Adelaide up and smash her against a tree. I feel her shooting pain run through my own body and scream out "Stop!"

But I'm too late. I feel a shooting pain rip through my stomach. Levi drops her and turns towards me. He has a look of pure hatred on his face. "Fuck off Blackstone, go mind your own fucking business. Adelaide is mine."

Is this guy for fucking real? I chuckle out sardonically, "Really? Because last I fucking checked I'm her mate, not you Armstrong."

"She should have been mine. I've loved her for the past five years, not you!" he yells. "You know, you're really fucking stupid coming here with such little re-enforcements. Three-on-three, I think I like my fucking odds" he sneers.

I mind link my other men, who were still hiding, to come out. "Don't think I'm a fucking idiot Armstrong. We have you surrounded."

The two guys that are standing near Levi, raise their hands up in surrender. I turn to the one and tell him to mind-link his Alpha to get here immediately. As my guys go to restrain the three of them Levi decides he hasn't done enough "You better watch your fucking back Blackstone. I won't forget about this."

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