Her ways of loving you

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    1.Letting you sleep on her shoulder.

"Red carnation means love, while yellow carnation means rejection. Now, can anyone tell me—"

You blinked slowly, too drowsy to focus on your class. With all your assignments, you were not able to get any sleep last night— and the caffeine you consumed was not helping at all.

You yawned, straightening your back, trying to wake yourself up. But it was no use— your eyelid just got heavier and heavier as minutes passed by, and you knew you couldn't stay awake for long.

With thirty minutes left in class, your head flopped onto your girlfriend's shoulder— you passed out in less than a second.

Wednesday went stiff by your sudden touch— furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. She snapped her head towards you, only to be greeted by the view of you sleeping— eyes closed, soft breathing ticking her nose. She stared at your sleeping form for longer than necessary, before focusing back to class.

She ignored the looks her classmates gave her the whole session.

    2. Walking with you, shoulders brushing against each other.

"—and Enid, she nearly threw her phone in the lake! She was like—" Giggles rang through the hallway as you laughed at the memory. "Enid is so funny. No wonder she's so popular!"

Wednesday only hummed in reply, watching you talk excitedly. You turned to look at her, grinning softly.

"Anyway, how was your day?" You asked, "I haven't seen you at all today. Having different classes can be a real pain sometimes."

"Horrible." Came a reply, making you chuckle. "You always say that. Some originality, please?" You teased, before looking up to the sky.

The sky was dark, but studded with shimmering stars. The moonlight shone over you and your lover, like a giant spotlight on a stage.

"Huh." You let out, "It's a full moon."

Wednesday's eyes followed yours, before tracing back to your face.

"Beautiful, hm?" You sighed out, admiring the view.

The raven haired girl only brought herself closer to you— shoulders brushing— in response.

    3. Her writing time, with your playlists

"—I never knew— you could hold moonlight in your hands, 'Till the night I held you—"

You were on your girlfriend's bed, flipping through the pages of your book. The familiar melody rang in the room, making you hum to the tune.

"These lyrics are going to make me throw up." Wednesday said monotonously without stopping her typing. You laughed, closing your book and putting it away on the nightstand beside you.

"Imagine that it's me singing the lyrics. Maybe it'll help." You smiled jokingly, "Although I could never beat Ariana's singing, she's too good." You gushed, lying down to face the ceiling.

A moment passed before your girlfriend's voice interrupted the comfortable silence.

"It still makes me nauseous."

"However, it made the song less agonizing to listen to."

    4. Being with you when you cry

You curled up into a ball against the wall, unable to contain the cries that threatened to slip past your lips.

You wiped your tears with the back of your hand, but the tears kept coming, and coming, and coming..

You flinched when you heard someone approaching. You could tell it was your lover by the sound of her footsteps.

You felt her sit down beside you, her eyes straight ahead, without saying anything at all.

The two of you sat there until you were too tired to cry, until your hot tears dried up, unmoving throughout the whole process.

"..thank you." You whispered with your hoarse voice, finally turning your head to face the raven haired girl.

She met your eyes, and looked at you with her signature blank expression.

But you knew the difference. Her eyes were softer. Her body wasn't as stiff as usual, and most importantly, she didn't pull away when you reached for her hand.

Although only the tip of your hand was touching the other's, you could feel what she was trying to say.

'I love you.'

And you loved her too.


Don't we love a soft Wednesday?

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