Romance 101

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How to get your crush to like you back? It's not hard– according to the sites you visited on google. Sure, she might have ignored you a few times, might dislike you a tiny bit. But it was alright, you could get her to like you. You think.

Your eyes found the raven haired girl who was seated across the room. You could do this.

1.put yourself out there.

"Wednesday, I heard of a new movie coming out this month."

Wednesday lifted her head, looking up from her book. She furrowed her eyebrows, as if she's not getting what you're trying to say.

"Wanna watch it? together, I mean."

You watched as her features hardened at your words. Uh oh.

She grabbed her pen that was rolling around on the desk, before scribbling on her paper. Once she had finished, she held it up to your eyes, almost too close for you to read.


You smiled through the pain. Well, it was worth a try.

2. find out what your crush is passionate about.

"The only thing she loves is her dead scorpion."

You groaned, slapping your hand over your head. "There must be something she likes that I can talk about without being uncomfortable!"

Enid shrugged, scrolling through her phone. sprawled over her mattress, you peeked through your fingers, staring at the ceiling above.

"Well, she certainly likes writing violent novels and pla—" Your friend's words were cut off from the swing of the door. The pair jumped from the bed, snapping their heads towards the sudden motion.

"Wednesday!" Enid chuckled, "We were just talking about you."

The girl gave her a look, making her smile awkwardly. You could tell what she was thinking by that glare– it was obvious she wasn't expecting you here, and didn't want you to be here. Through that hurt like needles onto your heart, you managed to keep your face calm.

"So um, wednesday, what do you like?" You asked, sitting upright with your legs crossed. The girl's glare traveled from the blonde to you, and you gulped under the tense air.

She kept her eyes fixated on you for a moment– before rolling her eyes, pulling her note and her pen out of her pocket. You gulped as the silence continued.

My favorite hobby happens to use a knife and a shovel.

You raised your eyebrows. Okay, she doesn't want to talk to you at the moment. Got the message.

3. make eye contact.

Wednesday's sharp and imitating look flashed in your mind. You laughed anxiously just by the memory of it.

Nope, not happening. You think, as you scrolled through the lists on wikihow.

4. Talk to your friend about them.

This will help you get a third person's point of your relationship with your crush. Who knows, they might like you back!

"Hey, do you think Wednesday likes me? She ignores me a little, turns down all my attempts to hang out with her, but she could be a hard to get kind of girl for all I know."

Your friend tore her eyes away from her screen, turning to face you. You looked at her full of hope, almost pleading.

"I—" she started, but was stopped by a figure passing by. Your attention was immediately drawn from her as you gasped.

"Wednesday! How are you today?" You beamed, your voice ringing through the hallways.

It was either that your voice couldn't be heard by her from the sea of people that surrounded you— or she just didn't feel like talking to you. But she brushed past, not even giving you a glance.

You pouted, watching as the raven haired girl made her way through. "She's just shy."

"You know what?" Your friend said, "I was going to say that you're right, she could be one of those hard to get girls, but I'm sorry, I personally think she hates you."

You whined.

5. Touch incidentally.

Your heart was beating so fast you could almost hear it pounding loudly in your ears. Slowly, you slid your fingertips towards Wednesday.

Your fingertips met hers with electricity all over your skin. You shivered slightly.

Peering over, you studied her expression. Nothing. It was neutral, not changing, just her usual poker face.

You were wondering if she didn't notice the touch until she pulled away, standing up from her chair, dusting her uniform before walking away.

Did you get rejected? You think so.

6. Tell her how much you appreciate her.

Your words were stolen from you the second you locked eyes with her. Moonlight kissing her skin, her hair framing her face so, so beautifully you forgot how to talk once again.

She was exquisite.

"Um," you stuttered, "I just wanted to say that—"

You glanced at her dark lips. The butterflies went frenzy in your stomach.

She raised her brows, running out of patience.

"Nothing." You managed, "I forgot what I was gonna say."

You kept your smile on as the girl walked away.

You chickened out. What a shame.

7. Spend time with her.

"Wednesday, are you—"

Your hands still gripped on the door handle, you halted in surprise. No one was in the dorm? Why wasn't Wednesday there? She should've been here, waiting for your presence. It was the last day for her to meet you— well, last day for the project, anyways.

Your eyebrows knitted in confusion, you scanned the room, looking for anything she could've left behind. Maybe she left for some water?

Cautiously, you stepped into the room before spotting a note on her desk. Ah ha, you cheered mentally. She did leave you something after all.

Excited, you made your way to the desk, picking the small paper up for you to see.

Your grin faded away as soon as you read it.

I understand that you like me, but I do not take an interest in you. Please stop hoping, I am not your soulmate, and is not yours.

It was like being kicked in your guts. Yes, you realized, she's not your soulmate. She was never your soulmate. She will not love you, and she doesn't feel the same way as you did.

Your little fantasy came crashing down, and it hurt. More than you'd like to admit.

You didn't even notice your vision blurring up. The crack in your heart pained you so much, it distracted you from the teardrops falling down your cheeks.

She was never your soulmate. What were you thinking, hoping?

Soft whimpers leaving your lips, your mind chanting the same words over and over again. She was never yours. She was never yours.

She was never yours.


This is part three of the mute series I'm making on tumblr, if you're interested in it, come to my tumblr to read it: it's soulmate au :)

Tumblr: lum13

Edit: the story is out on wattpad, too! Check it out <3

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