Love, leave me once I'm dead.

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You were on the ground, tainting the snow scarlet.

On the ground that day, you remembered how warm snow could be.


The name slipped seamlessly from your lips. It was natural, like the water streaming down the river, or the water drops sliding down the leaves in the morning. It was natural, like how your fingers intertwined with hers, like the way her hands fit yours like puzzle pieces.

Your lips curled up at the sight of her. She was beautiful, as always. The snow flickered down to rest on her hair, sewing stars in her silky hair– which shimmered under the moonlight.

Her lips, cherry red and parted, let out soft huffs of air– her breath coming out as a blob of white in the freezing atmosphere. Her eyes were wide as no gleams of light could be found in her deep, dark orbs.

You could connect the constellations in her cheeks. You could reach out and brush her hair back, tell her how angelic she was. Pull her down beside you, inviting her to the serene moment.

But the burn on your torso was too much. The pounding in your head made it hard to think, and your vision clouded with misty haze.

"-- Hey, Wednesday." You managed to let out, chuckling softly. With trembling hands, you reached for her cheeks, cupping her face fondly.

Her nose was red– perhaps from the cold, or the tears running down her cheeks. She towered over you with both hands on your face. It was shaking, you realized.

"-- Don't close your eyes. Where are you injured?"

You couldn't hear her well. Everything sounded like you were underwater– and everything hurt.

"Everywhere." You said, cracking another laugh. You watched as your lover pulled up your shirt, revealing large slashes of red. You saw how she held her breath at the sight– before searching your body for another wound.

"Wednesday. My love." You laughed weakly, bringing her chin up for her eyes to meet yours once again. "Please."

She paused, like in disbelief. With a clenched jaw, she returned to her searching– her gestures shook, and it brought tears to your eyes.

"Stop." You tried again, only to be ignored, "Wednesday, It's no use."

"No!" She shouted out, a short silence following. "No. You're going to live."

"Wednesday!" You exclaimed, your eyes stinging. You were crying now, you knew. The liquid flowed down and dropped onto the snow– and it didn't stop.

You found her gaze. A sigh left your lips.

"Please, don't."

Every breath you took, you could feel it draining your life out every second. Your lips had no color– and your skin was pale without any hint of life– You were dying.

You were dying.

"I'm not going to live, Wednesday. It's no use."

Another drop of tear fell from her chin. It met your cheeks and traced its way down.

The raven haired girl failed to say anything. Everything was running through her mind, yet nothing managed to leave her lips. She couldn't do anything– she didn't know what to do. Her world, blurred, felt gray. Usually, she would've loved it. But right now, she couldn't.

"Just– stay with me?" You pleaded, tugging her down with the last bit of strength. After a brief pause, the girl bit her lips, looking away as she nodded.

"Good. I love you." You smiled, feeling the world closing away. Wednesday stayed frozen against you, listening to your shallow breaths fading away. She heard your last breath– and she heard the last beat of your heart. She stayed until your hearing was no longer– and stayed until your skin was one with the snow– until even her touches were warm against yours.

On the ground that day, Wednesday remembered how cold snow could be.


wrote this in an hour. That's a new record.

anyways I MISSED YOU GUYS! How are you? I have to go back to dorms tmr, but I'll miss ya'll. Again.

have a lovely day, I wish you a great tmr <33

𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲: 𝗪.𝗔. ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora