Chapter 16- We will find him

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I know what your thinking. 'What the heck happened. Why is he naked in bed?!'. So you go back to the last chapter and read it, since I haven't updated in a while and after it your like 'oh, that's why he is naked.' So I apologize for not updating quickly, I have a life. I know shocker. So please comment and tell me what you think should happen next. Please it will help me a lot. Also PLEASE vote.

BTW for extra drama in the chapter listen to this song. Listening to this song makes me depressed. So your welcome for showing you this song. ;)

Grayson's Pov

I wake up naked in my bed. I realize what happened and look over at my clock. It reads 11:32. I let out a loud groan in exhaustion. My wolf had spent the whole night trying to find my mate but we had gotten no sign of who took him or where he went. I am worried sick. This is the second time that I had let him get out of my grasp.

'Goddess, why can't people smell me all over his body. I mean it is pretty strong. My friends and everyone else that is a werewolf in the school knows that he is mine. Why would they take him?' I think to myself in an innocent voice. 'I mean he is devilishly gorgeous and has eyes that can make you melt like ice on a hot day. But why him? Why can't we have one of those perfect werewolf mate stories. Where we get into a fight because some bimbo decided to kiss me, in front of him. So he runs away and I chase after him. I apologize and all is well with the world. We get married, have children, and live happily ever after.'

After thinking that, I decide to get freshened up and go consult my father about this. I quickly take a warm relaxing shower. Which helped relax my tense muscles. Then pulled on jeans, a band T-shirt, and vanes. What even though I am an alpha, doesn't mean I can't dress casual. I make my way towards my dad's office and knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I heard my dad say on the other side.

"Your son."

"Oh, OK. You can come in."

I open the door and see him writing something. So I take a seat in front of him and wait until he is done. He looks up at me and then back down

"Why aren't you in school today?" He asks in a suspicious tone. "Or the day before. I got a call from the principal saying that you ditched school yesterday."

"I have a really good reason this time. I promise," I say with a reassuring smile. "OK, so I was sitting down in class, just waiting for Jason to walk in. Since we separated to go get our books, from our locker. So I was waiting for him and he never showed up. I started to get impatient, because my mate is never late to class. He likes to be on time with everything, so he doesn't anger anyone. So, I got up and walked out of the class room to search for him. Like any great mate would do. I searched the whole entire school premises and he wasn't there. After searching the school, I drove to the pack house and shifted. Wanting to look inside of our territory. In case the kidnappers haven't gotten out. So I left my wolf in charge, since he is stronger and knows how to use our powers better. So I blacked out and woke up this morning with out my mate in my arms." By the end of my speech, I was crying my eyes out.

It is all my fault that he is gone. I should have been there for him. Just like every other time he had gotten hurt. I should have walked him every where we went. Just for precaution.

I was knocked out of my thoughts from a tight embrace. I look over and see my father hugging me.

"I know what you are thinking. This isn't your fault it would have happened some time or later. Luna's get captured all the time by rouges. Now lets go have a pack meeting and talk about what we are going to do."

"PACK MEETING!" I heard my dad scream through mind link.

Almost instantly we got a ton of 'Yes Alpha.' We made our way to the field where we saw my whole pack standing. My father and I walk up to the podium and a hush washes over the crowd.

"I am sorry to disturb you from your daily performances, but you future Luna has been kidnapped. We need all of your help to find him. I am going to ask surrounding packs for help. Once I get permission, I want a tracker searching everywhere for Jason. With the trackers I want five warrior wolfs to follow. Please go back to your task at hand and wait for the queue. Thank you." He says with dominance and walks off the stage.

Slowly he walks over to me and pats my back. "Don't worry we will find him."

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