Chapter 27- Peeta and Katniss Shipper

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Yo dudes and dudettes,

I'd like to thank







For commenting on my last chapter. I forgot what siblings I gave to who, can you guys help me remember? I hope you like this chapter. Remember to vote and comment.

~~~Picture of Grayson's office~~~

Grayson's Pov.

You know that feeling you get, when you just wish that this moment wouldn't end.  That's how I feel right now.  I just woke up with the love of my life in my arms.  He is so freaking warm!  I wonder how warm he will be when he turns into a vampire.  Which is tomorrow... I am really scared how he will turn, because none of my family members know anything about vampires. 

"I wish I could freeze this moment right here, right now, and live in it forever.  I just want to spend every possible minute of my life with you.  I don't want to sleep because my nightmares are usually about losing you.  I'm okay once I realize you're here."  I murmur into his hair, not realizing that he woke up.

"Did you just quote Peeta Mellark?"  He asks while resting his chin on top of my chest and looking into my eyes, with an eye brow raised.

"Maybe,"  I say in a funny voice.  He laughs at that and rest his head back on my chest.

"I didn't know you were a Peeta and Katniss shipper?"

I scoff at his question "I'm not.  It was ridiculous that she went with Peeta and not Gale.  I shipped Katniss and Gale from the beginning. "

"Oh really," he teases.


"Well, I 100% wanted Katniss and Peeta to go together and guess what?" He questions into my chest.


"They did."

"Well... It was never right."

"I doubt that."

Your lying to yourself."

"I'm not going to argue about this. Can I take a shower?" He asks, sitting up and stretching his arms over his head.

"You really think you can change the subject that easily?" I question while wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my chin on his shoulder.

"I just did." He sings while unraveling my arms from around and running into the bathroom. It was a great escape, but I never heard the lock on the door be placed. Should I? I shall.

I listen until I hear the shower running, so he can't hear me and slowly open the door. Looking over I spot my beautiful mate in the shower putting shampoo into his hair. God... he looks so sexy right now. It just makes me want to take him right now. Plunge my canines into his beautiful, pale skin and mark him as mine forever. He will always be mine. No one will ever be able to take what is mine ever again. No one. I hear my wolf growl in approval of our decision. Always mine.

Quickly stripping of my clothes, I slowly open the shower door and caress the smooth skin of my beloved. I feel him slightly jump and turn around in fear of what monster is after him now.

"It's OK little one. " I whisper under his ear, making him shiver. I watch as he slowly and carefully leans up and wraps his arms around me. I quickly pull him into my arms, relinquishing in the feeling of have my beautiful mate in my arms again. "Mine," my wolf says while trying to break free to claim our mate.

"Not yet, Chase." I say to my wolf. He growls at me in anger of my actions.

"At least let me talk to him." He pleads into my mind. Wanting to talk to his soul mate.

"Is it fine if Chase talks to you?" I ask tentatively scared that he might think of me as a monster.

"Is that your wolf?" He asks, taking his head off of my shoulder to look into my eyes.

"Yeah. He really wants to talk to you." I freeze as I listen to the words that came out of my mouth. Damn it. Why didn't I think that through, now he is going to feel pressured to talk to him. I'm so...

"Sure." He says squeamishly, never really meeting a werewolf before.

"Hold on real quick." I say while going to Chase's part of mind and see him pacing up and down. "Calm down you big baby he said yes." I say while crossing my arms and slowly slipping my Alpha mask on. " I swear to god Chase, if you mess this up and scare him away from me I am going to kill you."

"I won't why do you have such low hope in me gosh. I thought you trusted me." He says, trying to make me feel guilty, but failing miserably.

"Don't mess this up." I say slowly letting him regain control.

Chase's Pov.

I slowly open my eyes to look down and see beautiful... no, majestic... no, there is no adjective to describe how his eyes look. Their just spectacular, yeah that's the word. Spectacular. I slowly lift my hand and run it through his midnight locks. Even though they are wet, you can still feel how silky it will be when it is dry. Bringing my hand down to his cheek, I caress it. Savoring the feeling of mate soft, unblemished skin. Bringing it down lower, I stop at the place where I will put my mark on him. Fully signifying to everyone that he is mine. Forever mine. No one will take him, if they do they will be so sorry. I will rip-

"Hi," I hear him say just above a whisper, knocking me out of my thoughts at how soft and fragile his voice is.

"Your beautiful. ". I say in a soft whisper while grabbing a strand of his hair and running it through my fingers.

"What's your name?" He asks

"My name is Chaston."  I say gently.  "I like being called Chaston, rather than Chase."  I confess

"Why does Grayson call you Chase then?"  He asks in confusion.

"Because he wants to be annoying little one."  He giggle at my statement.  It brought a smile to my face knowing that I caused my mate this happiness.  "Do that again." 

"Do what again?"  I ask while looking into my golden eyes.

"Laugh."  I smile. 

He gives a small giggle and then turns around and grabs the soap.  "Let's get washed.  I think we are using all the hot water."  He slowly pores body wash and starts to lather his body.  I quickly grab the shampoo and lather my grabs and then putting y head under the water. 

After finishing our normal shower activity.  If your thinking of sex, no we did not have sex.  I know that's what I thought whenever I thought it too.  Quickly before he could protest I pick Jason up bridle style and carry him into the closet.  He picks out his clothes and slowly dress him and myself.

"I have to go now sweetheart."  I say while caressing his face. "I'll see you soon.  I'll miss you. " I say and slowly let Grayson back into control after hearing him say 'see you so'.

Wish upon a star (BoyxBoy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora