✯ 1 ✯ The Anchor

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•(Y/N) (L/N)•

Over the years I'd come to learn what my parents' quirks were.

My mother had a healing quirk called Healer's Touch. It was similar to Recovery Girl's quirk, but it worked differently. She would use the energy in her own body to heal others around her through her hands. When she'd use her quirk on someone a warmth would spread through them and calm them as she healed them. Due to her amazing quirk, she was one of the best doctors in the country and was primarily put on heroes' cases.

My father, on the other hand, had Photokinesis. Also known as light manipulation. He worked as a personal investigator and mostly took missing person cases. This meant he'd often be gone for days at a time.

I hadn't gotten my quirk yet, despite being five years old. However, when we visited the doctor he said he wasn't sure if I had a quirk or not. He believes that if I do have a quirk my body is just taking a bit longer to adjust to said quirk.

Today was one of the days when my father was on one of his cases, so my mom took me with her to a house call. I was excited to see her quirk and how it worked.

As we got out of the car I looked at the house with a sense of familiarity. Something about the house made me feel nervous. My mother crouched down beside me and looked into my eyes.

"I need you to be on your best behavior. Can you do that for me?" she asked.

"Mhm," I nodded.

My mother smiled and ruffled my hair before standing up. She grabbed my left hand before walking to the gated door. She hit the doorbell before waiting.

"Who is it?" a gruff voice asked.

"(S/N), Sayuri. The doctor," my mother replied curtly.

I looked up in surprise at how she replied. She never used a tone like this before. It was stern and firm. Her face held an air of forced professionalism as if she was trying to mask her anger.

"Come in," the gruff voice replied.

The gates creaked open and we entered. As we walked closer and closer to the traditional Japanese house my mother's grip on my hand tightened. She then knocked on the door and it was opened. As I looked up at the man my heart sank.

Endeavor...Enji Todoroki stood in front of me.

Endeavor is a tall, sturdily-built man with a very muscular physique. He has short crimson hair which he wears spiked up around his head and sharp turquoise eyes. His beard and mustache appear to be made of fire, but when he voluntarily turns off the flames on his face, a small amount of stubble shows around his jaw. Currently, the fire for his beard and mustache was on as he looked down at my mother with an indifferent look.

"I'd like to see the boy as quickly as possible. To prevent scarring as much as possible," my mother said.

Endeavor hummed and was about to move to the side when his eyes met mine. His eyes narrowed as his mouth morphed into a scowl. However, he said nothing as he moved to let us in. Once inside we removed our shoes, to be respectful, and put on some guest slippers they had. We were then led deeper into the house by Endeavor.

I could tell my mother did not like this man, and I definitely couldn't blame her. Even if the man wasn't an abusive asshole his aura was enough to put anyone off. His air of superiority was suffocating.

We reached a closed room door and Endeavor opened it. Inside I saw a familiar little boy who seemed to be the same age as me. The left side of his head was bandaged up while he stared out the window with his right eye. From what I could see his hair was white, but I knew the bandaged side was red.

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