✯ 54 ✯ Meeting & Shopping

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•Tomura Shigaraki•

Holding up the picture of my princess I couldn't help but run my eyes over her features again. She was captivating. Then there was that boy, that stupid boy! Looking over I saw a printed photo of my princess hugging that green haired nobody.

"Are you curious Tomura Shigaraki about this boy, Izuku Midoriya?" Kurogiri asked.

The door to the bar opened with the ringing of a bell, but I didn't look over. By the smell of smoke I could tell it was Giran.

"Shigaraki! Your League of Villains has been the talk of the town for the last several days, word on the streets is you're about to start something big," Giran said.

Grabbing the photo of my princess hugging that boy I decayed it as I placed her smiling portrait down unharmed.

"And? Who did you bring?" I asked.

Giran chuckled before turning to get his newest recruits. Footsteps followed and I looked up to see a teenage girl and a burnt man being held together by stitches.

"So it's really you, huh? I've been seeing you in pictures, but I've got to say you're way grosser in person," the burnt man said with a smirk.

"Wow it's the weird hand guy! You're friends with my hero, Stain, right? Cool! Let me join the League, I wanna be in your group!" the girl said excitedly.

"Kurogiri, get rid of these two I can already tell they're exactly the kind of trash I hate. A brat, and a guy with no manners," I glared, raising my hand to point at them.

"Now, now, Tomura Shigaraki, they came all this way. The least we can do is hear them out. Give them a chance, besides this broker is respected in the underworld they're bound to be valuable assets." Kurogiri calmed.

"Well like them or not, you still owe me a finder's fee. In cash. I suppose I could introduce the two of them before I go. This one looks like an adorable high school girl, right? She's actually the suspect in the series of deaths with the victims all bled out. So far her name and face have been kept out of the media," Giran said.

"Toga here! Himiko Toga! Life is too hard, I just wanna make it easier to live in this dumb world. I want to be Mister Stainy! I want to kill Mister Stainy! Come on handy man, please let me join your League of Villains!" the girl cried excitedly.

"You've gotta be kidding me, is she crazy?" I asked.

"Well she can hold a conversation, for the most part at least. Come on, she can be useful. And this guy hasn't committed any flashy crimes, but he's taken Stain's ideology to heart," Giran said, motioning to the other man.

"I don't like this. Is your group really dedicated to the Hero Killer's mission? I can't imagine you are if you're going to let this little psycho join you," the man said, glaring at the teenage girl.

She let out a small gasp and I couldn't help but scowl more.

"Grow up. She may be a psycho, but at least she knows how to introduce herself to people. Don't just stare, what's your name?" I asked.

"Right now I'm going by Dabi," he replied.

"No, I want to know your real name," I replied.

"I'll tell you when you need to know it. In any case, my new purpose is to carry out the Hero Killer's will," Dabi replied.

"That wasn't what I asked you, patch work. Geez why is everyone so hung up on Stain? He's all I ever hear about, every damn day," I muttered, standing up.

"No, don't do it," Kurogiri spoke.

"It's really pissing me off! You two are done!" I yelled.

As I reached forward Dabi reached out his own hand, which began smoking, and the girl suddenly brandished a knife. Before anyone could hurt anyone else, however, Kurogiri's portals redirected our attacks.

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