✯ 41 ✯ The Iida Brothers

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•(Y/N) (L/N)•

I felt someone gently nudging me awake and I yawned as I opened my eyes. I realized I was basically being cuddled by Dabi. I quickly sat up, now wide awake, and Dabi chuckled.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"No worries. Your stop is coming up," he said.

I looked around to see a couple more people on the train.

"Right," I replied, rubbing my eyes tiredly.

"Arriving at Hosu Station," the robot called minutes later.

I got up and Dabi did as well, grabbing my bag for me. We exited the train and Dabi insisted on escorting to this late at night. He eventually got me to relent, by holding my bag hostage, and we made our way to the hospital.

"Seeing your mother?" Dabi asked.

"What? How did you-?" I began asking, nerves spiking.

"I saw the Sports Festival on TV. They called your name many times, and I recognized it," Dabi explained.

"Right, I forget they announce people's names," I sighed in relief.

"You're quite jumpy," Dabi chuckled.

"Sorry, guess I'm still nervous after the USJ Incident," I replied.

Dabi nodded and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. He seemed to be glaring at an alleyway we were moving to pass. I looked over to see some shady looking people staring at us.

"Stay close," Dabi muttered.

I huddled a bit closer to Dabi. I swore I could've seen him smirk a bit, however when I looked up he simply looked on edge. We arrived at the hospital around thirty minutes earlier than I had expected.

"Thank you again, Dabi. I appreciate your help," I smiled.

"Always, little mouse. Stay safe," he said.

He began walking off, after giving me my bag, as I turned and entered the hospital. As soon as I entered I made my way to the front counter.

"Good evening, I'm (Y/N) (L/N)," I said.

"Doctor (L/N)'s daughter, right?" the lady asked, a polite smile on her features.

"Yes ma'am," I replied.

The lady called my mother down and I sat and waited until I saw the exhausted doctor. She was wearing a white lab coat and was carrying many different clipboards.

"Hey mom," I greeted.

"Honey, you did amazing," my mom said, hugging me after setting her clipboards down.

"Thank you," I smiled.

She pulled away and grabbed her clipboards.

"Now come on, the Iidas are ready to see you," my mom smiled.

I followed her through the halls until we arrived at a door. I felt nervous, I mean I'd be meeting Iida's older brother.

What if he'd found out it was I who texted him?

My mom knocked on the door and we heard someone call for us to enter. My mom opened the door and we entered. Ingenium was sleeping with a ventilation mask over his face.

"Mrs. Iida, this is my daughter (Y/N)," my mom introduced.

I bowed and offered a quiet greeting. As I stood back up I was enveloped into a tight hug.

"Thank you, if you hadn't pushed your mother into being in Hosu..." Mrs. Iida cried.

Mrs. Iida pulled away and smiled at me with tears streaming down her face.

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