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Y/N sat in the back row of the class,his attention barely on the lecture going on right in front of him. As a matter of fact,his headphones were plugged in at that moment as he clicked his pencil along with the beat that met his eardrums.

He wasn't even aware of when the class ended till he saw the other students start leaving.

Letting out a sigh,the brown haired boy closed his notebook and stuffed it into his backpack before standing up. He applied for this college by choice but damn was this school stressing him out.

'Luckily that was the last class...'

But then there was the matter of overdue assignments.

Y/N groaned out loud as he remembered he was lagging behind on his school work... And it was only his first year. Though it was his own fault, seeing as he was spending most of his time recording music that he knew he would never put out,but it was still frustrating.

It's not his fault he was in love with music.

Y/N once again let out a sigh as he walked through the campus which was overrun with students in their cliques. Y/N shook his head; he was never able to blend with students no matter how hard he tried,he only found one genuine friend... and they bonded cause they were both clueless new kids. He had no more classes scheduled for the day,so he decided to head to the Cafe where Seth worked to at least kill time before they'd both head back to their shared apartment.


"Yo, Seth!" Y/N walked into the Cafe in his grey sweatshirt and black ripped jeans.

"Hey,man" a boy with a buzz cut smiled at Y/N from behind the counter. Y/N walked up to him and they both dapped each other up (I feel so stupid for not knowing this was actually a thing earlier)

"You got off school early" Seth said to the boy in front of him.

"Not early enough" Y/N rolled his eyes. "and I've got assignments to complete"

"I told you to take school more seriously,but nooooo" Seth smirked.

"Oh,shut up!" Y/N leaned on the counter. "You get less classes than I do"

Seth scoffed. "We do exactly the same amount of schoolwork. You're just lazy"

"I just have a chronic aversion to schoolbooks" Y/N defended. "I'm pretty sure there's a medical term for it"

"Yeah, it's called laziness " Seth smiled.

"You are so lucky I don't cuss" Y/N glared.

After a while of conversation between the two teenagers, Seth's boss and the owner of the Cafe walked in.

"Y/N, you're here?" The middle-aged man asked.

"Hey, Mr Owens" Y/N smiled. "Yeah, I just came to pick up Seth and probably get a quad over ice"

"Well,Seth could use some help here so I'd appreciate it–" Mr Owens started.

"Do I get a free coffee?" Y/N asked.


"Say no more," Y/N jumped over the counter and picked up an apron.

"Smart kid" the Cafe owner chuckled.

"Smart and Y/N are antonyms" Seth commented.

"I'mma rip your–" Y/N rushed towards his friend who immediately took to his heels laughing.


"So, spaghetti for dinner?" Seth asked as both boys walked into the apartment after their shift. Y/N still had his coffee in hand as he dropped his backpack.

"As long as you're the one making it" Y/N flopped onto the couch and immediately opened his laptop. "I'm getting started on my assignments"

"Don't get distracted" Seth said. Y/N stuck his tongue out as the blue eyed boy walked towards the kitchen.

About an hour into his assignments,Y/N decided to put his textbook aside for just a short minute and open an audio file Seth forwarded to him a few days ago. Seth produced music as a hobby so he "doesn't lose what few marbles he has left"

Y/N looked around for a few seconds before grabbing his backpack and running into his bedroom with the laptop, shutting the door.

Once he was alone,he opened the laptop and walked towards the small mic, plugging it into the laptop. He pulled out his notebook and headphones and soon,his small studio setup was complete.

There was a lot going on and he needed to decompress his thoughts. He flipped through his pages of lyrics till he found the most recent ones.

He closed his eyes and hit the play button.

By the time he was done, he took off his headphones and breathed out. Immediately he pressed stop on the laptop and looked to his left,he saw a certain boy staring at him.

"So I'm guessing this is a part of your assignment" Seth said.

"I can explain...?" Y/N looked away from his friend.

"Don't need to," Seth said. "That was awesome"

"You made the best for it" Y/N shook his head.

"But you wrote the lyrics" Seth said. "Why won't you put it out?"

"Are you crazy?" Y/N asked. "You've seen how crazy my schoolwork is. You want me to throw professional music on top of that?"

"You seem way more invested in music than school" Seth said. "Besides, you're not impressing anyone even if you get amazing grades"

"What about Ava?" Y/N reminded.

"You know your sister would be proud of you no matter what you decide to do" Seth reminded.

Y/N hated that Seth was right; his dad wasn't ever around and his mom wasn't even mentally present as she'd been a drug addict for years. His older sister was essentially all he had.

"I don't know... I'll have to think about it" Y/N shook his head. "I can't just rush into it"

"Take your time," Seth smiled. "Now cone on let's eat,moron"

"Just a second,idiot" Y/N rolled his eyes as he saved the recording on the laptop and transferred it to his phone. Y/N then stood up

"Alright,I hope you didn't burn the spaghetti this time"


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