Mi Casa..

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"So how was it?" The boy looked at the other two in the room.

"Awesome,man," Seth smiled up from his laptop.

"Fire!" Joyner added as Y/N took his headphones off and stepped away from the mic.

"Man!" Y/N sat back in one of the chairs in Joyner's home studio. "Two surprise projects in less than a month"

"Aye, I love that you're keeping your foot on the gas pedal," Joyner nodded to him. "coming up with the idea of two songs dropped on the same day was genius,kid"

"Thanks for agreeing to help me,bro" Y/N smiled.

"It's nothing,man," Joyner smiled. "You're worth every ounce of effort and I can't tell you this enough, you're a special kid.. there's not a lot of people out here like you and Seth"

"Alright, it's done!" Seth looked up from his laptop.



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"There's just something special about dropping new music, y'know?" Y/N asked as he and Seth headed to Y/N's car. It'd been three days since he'd gotten it from Joyner and he still couldn't believe it was his.

"And just a few weeks ago you were nervous to even get into this music shit" Seth smiled.

"Best involuntary decision of my life" Y/N nodded and smiled as they got in.

Crossroads (Jenna Ortega X Male NF Reader)Where stories live. Discover now