No Jumper

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"So how'd you get out of that one?" Jenna laughed.

"Oh he didn't" Y/N said. "he went straight to detention"

"Y/N busted me out once the teacher's back was turned" Seth said.

Y/N had been on that live video for at least 20 minutes, telling Jenna and the fans a little more about himself and Seth as Jenna agreed that his best friend was underrated compared to him and Y/N did admit to that bothering him. He saw NF as Kore of a collective of him and Seth,with him being the frontman instead of just a single artist.

"You both are crazy" Jenna shook her head

"Why thank you" Y/N smiled. "wait, you're not late to anything are you?"

"No, I'm not" Jenna replied. "Though I AM working on a particular show,this isn't one of our filming days so you're good"

Before Y/N could reply the car seemed to slow down. Looking up,he saw that they were at the No Jumper building.

"Oh,shit" he said. "we're here already"

"At your victim's place?" Jenna tilted her head.

"Yeah" Y/N laughed. "Welp,I got lived to end. Thanks for talking to me Miss Ortega"

"You're welcome" Jenna replied. "It was pretty fun to know about the Michigan kid who just randomly blew up.

"Try not to get the bloodstains on your clothes" Jenna said. Y/N could've sworn he saw her wink at her before she left his live.

"Alright, y'all " Y/N immediately regained himself. "I gotta go, so this it goodbye for now. I'll see you sooner than you think. Byeeeee!"


As Y/N, Seth and Luke made their way into the building, one of Adam's assistants showed them in.

"Yo," Adam said, dapping Y/N up, and then Seth before giving Luke a firm handshake. "it's amazing to have you here man"

"You don't know the half of it" Y/N replied.

"We've watched every podcast" Seth added.

"Woah" Adam laughed. "I'm flattered,thanks both of you. We already have everything set up,so take a seat and we'll hop right into it"

After the two boys complied, sitting next to each other and across from Adam,the podcast began.

"Alright,now I definitely know who you are, but could you introduce your homie?" Adam said.

"Yeah,this is Seth" Y/N gestured to the boy with the buzz cut. "My best friend and pretty much the evil genius behind every brat I've rapped on in my career"

"So he made every beat you've used" Adam asked.

"Yeah, pretty much" Y/N confirmed before turning to his best friend. "Yo,say something"

Seth went closer to the microphone before pointing at the camera in a commanding wsy. "Beat your meat while watching this interview to get clear skin"

Adam and Luke immediately burst out laughing. "What the fuck?!"

"Yep, that's Seth alright" Y/N shook his head while laughing.

"Alright, alright" Adam managed to composed himself. "Where did you meet this guy"

"There was a train crash and only both of us survived " Y/N said. "Since then we've been best friends"

"He's just playing,we actually met in detention " Seth said.

"Seriously?" Adam asked.

"For real" Y/N nodded. "I yelled back at a teacher for shutting me out and he actually punched a bully in the nose for trying to steal his lunch"

"Wait,when was this?" Adam asked.

"I think... 11th grade" Seth said. "it was either that or senior year"

"You've both been wilding since highschool?" Adam asked.

"Nah nah..." Y/N laughed. "I was and still am a quiet kid. I just hated being pushed around or shut down.. and I rarely did have outbursts like that. Seth on the other hand..."

"Menace?" Adam asked.

"Fucking menace" Y/N said. "If you push him without reason,he throws you across the room"

"You're making me sound evil" Seth laughed. "I'm such a well behaved,calm, gentle..."

"Shut your ass up" Y/N laughed.

"So where did music come in?" Adam asked. "for both of you?"

"I was bored in that classroom right?" Seth recalled. "so I started beating the tables and making some kind of drumbeat and then this kid in the back of the class starts rapping popular songs; J Cole, Kendrick, Eminem, Denzel Curry, Cordae, XXX,all that. But what I noticed was that he'd forget some lyrics,so to make up for that, he'd make up his own. And it always came out fucking lit"

"So he came to me after detention and was like 'yo, you're awesome at this. Do this more often' but I already felt so exposed performing in front of like... I think twelve people" Y/N recalled. "He kind of made it his life mission to convince me to do music... So we had like lunch table freestyles and things like that... And soon enough,he just refused to go away"

"Wholesome shit" Adam laughed. "And I guess all that pushing paid off. I mean,look at you two now, you're huge. Do you plan to keep this going or are you gonna rest for a while?"

"I still got plenty in the tank,man" Y/N laughed. "y'all better get used to this pair of white kids,cause we're not going anywhere. Besides,I can't live a day without music... It's been part of me my whole life"

"Facts" Seth said in a fake deep voice.

"And how did your parents take this?" Adam asked.

"I don't really know and neither do I care," Y/N laughed. "But I'd imagine they'd be upset"

"Oh shit,you guys aren't on good terms?" Adam asked.

"Not at all... No one deserves parents like mine,to be honest" Y/N said. "My older sister did everything that my parents didn't"

"How old is she?"


"So how did..."

And the interview continued for the next hour or so,Adam asked the boys questions from almost every aspect of their lives,his relationship with Jenna included which of course flustered the young rapper.

"Alright man, it's been great talking to you two" Adam said. "unfortunately that's all the time we have"

"Pleasure's all mine,man" Y/N and Seth shook Adam's hand. "Thanks again"


"Bro,that was lit!" Seth said as they both walked out of the building.

"You're telling me?!" Y/N laughed. "I gotta tell Joyner about this"

As they headed to Luke's car, Y/N opened his phone only to be met with notifications. It was a text from Ava.

"Yo,why are people on your dick? Can't they just accept a new artist?"

Y/N thought she was talking about Carti or Tory but soon enough,the comments lead him to...

Y/N thought she was talking about Carti or Tory but soon enough,the comments lead him to

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"Of course..." He shook his head.

Crossroads (Jenna Ortega X Male NF Reader)Where stories live. Discover now