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F I R E  B O R N

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F I R E  B O R N




After chatting with Jaime some more, I decided to go inside. Lannister went inside as well and headed straight for Lord Stark.

I didn't feel like stopping him. I was just mostly stunned of how much Jaime knew more about me than myself.

I could see Stark trying avoid him but Jaime would block him. I just walked passed them. Lord Stark grabbed me by the arm.

"What in the seven hells are you doing here?" He said, trying to calm himself down. "I'm just passing by, no worries" I said with a grin. I was clearly drunk and didn't care about shit. "Go back to your chambers, before the Queen or King see you" He said sternly.

When the King first arrived a few days ago, Lord Stark told him about me and you have to believe me, he didn't take very well.

He asked about where I was and that he was going to kill me, that he was going to kill any Targaryen that crossed his path.

Lord Stark was able to convince him that I was no threat to his throne or family. I was just here because the north apparently had distant relatives that were connected with the Royal Targaryens.

And I am totally not pure Targaryen. Yeah tell that to Jon.

I let myself loose from his grip. "Too late, Kingslayer here and the Queen already saw me" I said with a shrug. Lord Stark placed his hand on my shoulder with a strong grip. "Your coming with me" He said.

As we walked back, I turned around to meet Jaime with his arms crossed.

When we made it to the halls, he pushed me against the wall. "Do you have a death wish, Jace?!" He yelled in a whisper.

"Look, I don't want to be seen as coward when it comes to the Baratheons," I said. "Baratheons have been ruling the realm for a few decades, Targaryens, we have been ruling for thousands of years, I will not let my house go extinct just because of one king who carried the name and fucked everything up," I hissed.

"I don't care what they do to me, they can't kill me" I said. I really wanted them to leave. After these past few days of living in the same halls as them, I can't stand another second.

Lord Stark sighed at me. "Look all want to do is protect you, Jace" He said softly. "The King said that he didn't want to see you near his family, no matter where."

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