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Many things happened since we left. The worse part is leaving Winterfell, knowing that Bran has a chance of meeting death. Before we left, Bran had mysteriously fallen off the look out tower. He had climbed it many times and has never fallen before.

The maester said that the had paralyzed him to the waist down. That night, Lady Catelyn stayed with him, never leaving his side.

Rob became angry and accused the Lannisters for such a treason, but Lord Stark said that he wasn't sure that it was them.

Lady Catelyn and I agreed with Rob, but there wasn't any proof to prove it, only Bran. If we were lucky, Bran could wake up from his slumber and tell us what happened. But I don't think I will be there when he does wake.

No word of him came since we left and it has been eating me alive. I cared a lot about Bran and remembering how he looked on the ground, always sent shivers down my spine.

Then there was Jon.

We left him half way through the travel. We hadn't talked since the other day, but we were able to say goodbye, just not verbally.

I nodded my head and Jon nodded his.

The only reason I came to the south was because I was assigned to be Sansa and Arya's bodyguard while we stayed in the south.

Out of all the guards in Winterfell, I was most trusted with the girls. Obviously, since I practically lived with them since they were little kids.

Rhaelor stayed behind at Winterfell, and to be honest, I've never been apart from him since he hatched. So anxiety kept me on my toes but I always reminded my self that Soren was taking care of him. There nothing to worry about.

Luckily, Aeros was able to make it with me to King's landing. Sansa and Arya had brought their dire wolves but Nymeria accidentally bit the 'whiny prince' because he pushed Arya. Queen Cersei made Lord Stark put the wolves down since they were dangerous beasts to everyone.

Nymeria was able to escape after she attacked the prince but Lady wasn't so lucky. Lord Stark had slit her throat as Sansa was silently crying.

Aeros was suspiciously quiet when this all happened, but his appearance showed all of his emotions. His ear were downward, his teeth were showing, and the fur from his coat were perched.

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