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That morning, I woke up with a lot of energy. Usually I would have a massive headache and stay in bed after drinking.

Not today.

After that joy ride with Arya on Rhaelor, my body was able to refresh a bit. I headed to train for a bit and when I arrived at the training area, Jon was practicing his sword fighting with a dummy.

A rare sight to see him up this early.

"What are you doing out here? You usually don't practice until noon," I said as I picked up a sword. He turned around, he had this weird expression. He looked nervous when he saw me.

I scrunched my face. "What's wrong? You look a bit tense," I pointed out. He stayed silent for a bit.

"No," He said. "I'm okay."

I lifted my sword up too him, signaling that I wanted to duel him. He seemed to get the idea since  he slowly made his stance.

"I don't buy it," I said and made swing towards him. He swiftly dodged it, then made our swords clash together.

"I'm fine, Jacaerys," Jon said as he charged towards me. Our swords smashed together as I deflected his hit.

"Jacaerys? You rarely call me that," I said, aiming the sword at him as I eyed suspiciously. We charged towards each other again and smashed our swords over and over. Above the training area, I spotted Robb watching us duel.

I focused my attention back to Jon as he started to come at me with more power. I took the chance to rise his sword and knock it from his hands. Slightly spinning as it hit the ground on its blade.

I smirked and was about to do a victory cheer when I noticed Jon just staring at his sword in the ground. It's as if he zoned out.

"Jace, I'm- I'm joining the... nights watch," He said with a stutter.

"What?," I said plainly.

Jon. The nights watch.



"Your not going," I blurted out, lowering my sword. Jon scrunched his brows. "I'm not going to let you kill yourself," I said turning around to go back inside.

Jon frowned and followed me.

"You can't expect me to stick with you forever, Jace!," He yelled after me. "I don't need you to choose my life decisions for me."

I ignored him. I couldn't let him do this, he's all I have left.

"Why do you care so much!"

"I care because I want to protect you," I said as I headed up the stairs.

"I'm not a child," He said sternly. I shook my head. I wasn't going to let him die. I won't let him.

"You may not support my decision, but I will still go, whether you are with me or not," Jon said as he started to walk backwards.

"Jace!," Robb shouted as he came down the stairs. He was wearing his leather coat. I looked at him in eye, warning him to get out of my way.

Robb slowly stepped to the side as Jon shook his head at him and went back outside. I continued to walk up the stairs but then Robb stopped me by the shoulder with his hand.

"You won't change his mind," He said, calmly. "He was planning this for a long time, he thought it was best to tell you at the last minute."

I pushed Robb away. "Well, it wasn't," I hissed. I headed towards Lord Starks meeting room.

I just couldn't believe that Jon didn't tell me before. He was going to leave tomorrow.


"Did he tell you?," I said to Lord Stark when I found him in the meeting room. "Jon, Did he tell you about his plan to join the nights watch."

"Yes, Jace, he did tell me," Lord Stark said while looking at a map of westros. Pins placed on islands and cities.

"And your just going to let him trot away!" I slightly yelled. "He going to kill himself!"

"Jace, he's young, strong and obedient, I say he's capable of handling himself out there," Lord Stark said as he looked up at me.

I scoffed. "He's the closest person I still have to a close kin and I'm going lose him to a fucking camping trip."

I didn't know why I was so mad about this. At the moment, I thought it was protectiveness showing off but it was more like fear.

Fear of losing those close to you... again.

I pinched my nose in frustration. I was losing my mind over this. "I don't care anymore, might as well let him," I said, deafted. There was no way to change Jon's mind. He was going whether I liked or not. I just didn't want to lose someone else.

I was about to turn around and walk out but Lord Stark stopped me. "We'll be going to the south, Sansa and Arya are coming with us," he said. I looked at him with a dead expression. "Does the King know I'm going?" I asked.

"Yes, he does but he says that he will be watching you closely. We will be leaving tomorrow," Lord Starks said. This time I walked out.

I was only allowed to go because I would be Arya and Sansa's body guard. I'm not to leave them at any moment. Which I'm fine with those terms. I don't feel like staying around here any longer anyway.

On the personal side, I had a reason of my own for why I wanted to go. The Red Keep. The place where I was born and raised for half of my life. All I want was to relive those memories I had with my mom. I wanted to remember Dany and my aunt.

I wonder how Dany is doing in pentos. I hope she is still alive and well. Who knows this travel to the south might help find her.

When I arrive at my room, Aeros greets me with licks and jumps. I chuckle a bit at his excitement. I plop myself on my bed and stare at the ceiling as caressed Aeros' black fur.

This was all overwhelming and happening so fast. I might as well go along.

Tomorrow, Jon will leave and so will I.

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