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That's how I would describe how I currently feel.

I'm sitting in my closet sobbing my eyes out as I packed my stuff.

Not only did I just find out my parent's passed away in a car accident, but I also now have to move to Italy to my 'real' family.

It turns out I was adopted-

I didn't even know that my whole life has been a lie.

I mean my parents never made me feel like it. I always felt like I was there child. They treated me well, and I loved them. I didn't want to lose them, and now that I have I don't know how to react.

I thought I was an ordinary girl. Someone who's fate God never spent extra time making. But now?

Now I don't even know who I am.

My whole meaning of life has changed. I don't know how to feel or how to react. So, I decided to react to the situation by crying.

Crying so much that my eyes turned red. Crying so much that my eyes stung. So much that I physically couldn't cry anymore.

I sat there on the cold floor of my closet as I zipped up my bag, now fully packed.

I just came back from funeral, and was told that I'm leaving today.

I made my way downstairs with my suitcase as my social worker stood. She smiled at me but I physically couldn't smile back.

My smile was gone-

I was always that smiley girl who no one had an issue with. In school too, I was just the happy, nice girl in the corner who everyone liked.

But now, I'm physically incapable of smiling. No matter how much I force myself to.

"You're going by a private jet. A car is waiting for you outside where your brothers friend is to pick you up. " The social worker listed.

I looked up at her and spoke. "Why did they send a friend?"

I was curious.

Did they not deem me worthy of being brought by one of them. So useless and a time waste that they sent a friend?

I didn't usually think negatively, but I couldn't help it in this situation. I guess I was preparing myself for the worst.

"They're friend was here on a business trip and he was meant to go back today anyways. So they decided to send you with him." She said and I simply nodded, as I made my way out dragging my big suitcase with me.

I decided to shove everything in one bag since I really didn't bother bringing too much.

I made my way towards the car where a driver exited and smiled at me as he took my luggage for me, placing it in the trunk.

I stood there not knowing what to do as he walked towards me as he opened the door.

The door opened to reveal a muscular, tattooed man looking down at his phone. I had to slightly jump to get into the car due to it being big.

I'm also 5'4-

Well, I like to think I'm 5'4, but every time I get myself measured it says 5'3.

It must be broken.

I sat in silence, not looking to the man beside me. The driver started the car as we all sat in silence.

I didn't know what to do since I lost my phone yesterday. I must have lost it somewhere in the hospital whilst running around and throwing a fit.

I turned my head to look at the man. He was extremely muscular, and I could tell he was tall despite him being seated. He had tattoo's on the side of his neck, his hands, and from this wrists I could tell he had more.

I didn't realise I was staring until he turned to look at me.

His eyes were dark-

So dark it made me afraid.

I looked away instantly, embarrassed I was caught staring. I fiddled with my fingers and avoiding his gaze which I still felt was on me.

When I felt his gaze was still on me, I looked back at him.

He cleared his throat as he looked at me.

"Nico Romano. Your brothers friend." He simply said with his deep voice, now looking away back at his phone.

I didn't bother replying since he clearly knew who I was.

Probably better than me at this point-

I turned back to face the window, as it rained. The sound of rain relaxed my nerves.

Who knows I might never get to come back.

Italy would be my new home. I have no choice but to adapt.

It might be the last time I get to experience England's rubbish weather.

Might as well enjoy it-

The car came to a stop after a while and I looked out to see a private plane.

So no passport checking? How rich are they that they own a private plane? Wait or is this Nico's plane?

Too many questions and no one to answer them.

Well there was someone to answer them...

But he doesn't look very approachable.

I've only just met the man and I'm already planning to stay away.

I was snapped out of thoughts by the driver opening my door. I thanked him and made my way behind Nico into the plane.

I was cautious as I made my way up the stairs, not wanting to fall.

I entered and was met with a fresh lavender scent. The plane was extremely spacious and cosy, with a mini bar in the corner.

I saw Nico take a seat and I decided to go sit near. I wanted the window seat so I ended up sitting opposite him.

The lavender scent was taken over my Nico's strong cologne.

He didn't pay me any attention as he was on the phone to someone. I couldn't understand what he was saying since it was in another language.


I looked out the window as the plane started taking off. I looked down double checking my seat belt.

I'm quite a forgetful person-

The plane was now in the sky as I leaned my head back, lightly drifting off.

I was disturbed by a voice and I opened my eyes to see. A flight attendant was asking Nico if he wanted anything.

She was extremely flirty-

Oh well, I didn't really care.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when she faced me.

"Would you like anything?" She asked normally.

"No thank you."

She walked away without another word as I faced the window.

There was something soothing about looking at the sky and the clouds. It made me feel like there was no stress, no worries in the world. Despite being filled with them.

I didn't like giving up.


My parents passing wasn't going to break me.

I was going to make sure that it made me stronger.

That I would made them proud.

I might not know what's heading for me in this new life...

But I'll face it.

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