Chapter Three - The Hinted Past of Shu

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Hajime only stood in the kitchen trying to do the mix for the pancakes that Shuichi adored when they were both teenagers, awaiting for the results of the two upstairs. He couldn't help but be both concerned, yet happy for them.

But Hajime will admit that he is the jealous type when it comes to Shuichi. Shuichi was his first love after all, so it makes sense - but of course, life couldn't really be helped when he was forced to move to the U.K. at the end of the school year. He didn't even know he came back to visit a few times till he randomly showed up at his door a few times. The surprise was nice, but it often just led to them becoming some form of friends with benefits and messing around in the bedroom like they used to.

Hajime sighed, as he tried to search the kitchen cabinets for certain ingredients for the pancakes, only to find out that they are low on flour. He could only sigh before taking out his phone to contact his partner, Nagito Komaeda. He was supposed to call Nagito over anyway to see if they wanted to have pancakes with the three of them.

"Mz. Komaeda speaking! How may the Ultimate help you?"

"Seriously?" Hajime snorted while trying to hold back his laughter. "You couldn't even tell it was me who phoned?"

"I only answer, not read my hope!" Nagito chuckled lightly from the other end of the phone. "So, what does my Ultimate Hope need?"

"Well... I was hoping to invite you over to the Ouma's place to have dinner. I came over to check on Shuichi since he wasn't doing too well. Do you want to come over after your hospital appointment?"

"Hmm... Sure! But... I don't understand why those two would want trash like–"

"Nagito you are NOT trash!" Hajime shouted down the phone, interrupting Nagito before they went into a full despair-induced monologue about themself. Nagito only nervously laughed,

"Okay, okay... Anything else, my hope?"

"Could you bring some flour over for the pancakes?"

"Anything for you my Ultimate Hope!!!" Nagito only shouted through the phone, before instantly hanging up. The shout from Nagito only caused Hajime's ears to ring from how loud it was. He could only just sigh as he turned towards the clock on the wall. He felt terrible for not accompanying Nagito at the hospital as it was a special occasion. Why? Well, Nagito's cancer treatment was finally paying off!

Although their body was still a bit weak from treatment and needed a walking stick to help keep their balance, they were slowly adjusting back to normalcy at a steady pace! Hajime couldn't be happier for their lucky star.

Nagito has come a long way since the end of their own killing game five years ago now. The only thing nobody can change is their critically low self-esteem, which needs years worth of therapy to fix - and even then, that would probably only move it down to a minimum of trash talking themself.

Enough of that though, Hajime had to do what they could with the ingredients he could find! Or... try to find anyway. Most of this place was filled with coffee beans and Grape Panta bottles. Hajime however, couldn't help chuckle at the irony of something that he just realised,

"I guess Shuichi may need to detox himself from Coffee sooner than I thought." He spoke out loud to himself, "Welp, more for me I suppose!" He laughed as he took a few of the bags of coffee and inspected it to make sure it was safe. Of course, it wasn't.

Family Matters I [SaiOuma/OumaSai] [Post-Game] [MattersAU] [COMPLETE]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ