Chapter Ten - Mental Destinations

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TW/CW: Bit? of Angst & Fluff!


It had been a few days now since the Halloween party at the future foundation - and Shuichi was still closed off from everyone around him - even Kokichi. The only interaction they ever did was just cuddle at night and the occasional kiss of a 'thank you' when Kokichi gave him food. It was getting ridiculous at this point - so Kokichi called the future foundation and told their boss Naegi who was in charge that day, that the supreme leader and the detective were going to go to Jabberwock Island for a few months to help Shuichi calm down. This was when Kokichi heard Makoto sigh at the other end of the phone,

"Hey, Ouma... I'm sorry for what Iruma did." He spoke, which only caused Kokichi to take a breath in return before speaking,

"It's not your fault Naegi." They began, before a sly smirk appeared on their face. "But~ A firing of Iruma would suffice!" They just giggled, while hearing Makoto take a huff before lightly chuckling himself.

"Can I be unprofessional for a moment Ouma and tell you something?" he whispered slightly on the phone, as if he was about to expose something.


"I overheard Togami talking the other day–"

"Aww~ So he wasn't talking about you~?" The liar sniggered as they didn't need to see their bosses face to know how his face was: flustered red in embarrassment as he tried to hide the face from Kyoko who was most likely in the same room as him.

"Byakuya doesn't like me, Ouma." Makoto nervously laughed, before then continuing. "But I overheard him say that you deserve some form of promotion. So expect a phone call next week - but you never heard from me." Makoto chuckled at the end, as if a way to disguise the phone call as something else. 

Kokichi felt their own eyes widen from shock. They didn't really expect to be promoted to anything else. They were fine being where they were, but perhaps this change is good as it will be more money for the two of them to perhaps move to a better place that had an extra room for the baby. Kokichi just smiled before gigging along with Makoto.

"Nope~ Heard nothing! Nishishi~!"

As they spoke, they could hear some movement from upstairs - and it seemed to be that Shuichi was on the phone too, but he wasn't talking too much. Kokichi just sighed before speaking back to Makoto in an almost serious-manner.

"We'll be leaving today and be back in a few months!" They hung up almost instantly, not even letting their boss get a word in before going upstairs to see what Shuichi was doing - only to see that tears were in his eyes. Kokichi walked towards their beloved detective and slowly took the phone from them before looking at the screen... a random number?

"Shu?" Kokichi whispered as they hung up Shuichi's phone for him before wrapping their arms around him. Shuichi just accepted it, and wrapped his own arms around his Lil' Grape as the tears continued to fall. Kokichi just looked up towards their love, and gave a comforting smile as they started to kiss his hand and up his arm till they were at his neck. 

Shuichi couldn't help but let out a weak chuckle that the liar hadn't heard for a few days now. It brought a smile to their face so they just pulled themselves away (forcefully) so they could look him in the eyes before speaking.

"We are going on holiday for a few mont–"

"F-Few m-months!?" Shuichi gasped in shock, his eyes widening at the same time too as he tried to process through the tears that lingered on his face, "W-Why!?"

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