collision: charlie dalton pt 1

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The silence was unbearable.

Y/n and Charlie  sat on the same side of the booth to share a milkshake, not saying a single word. He ate his fries slowly, y/n would take a longer sip than usual, and then they'd just look at each other and awkwardly smile.

Things hadn't been the same since that unprompted kiss when y/n went with his parents to pick him up from Welton. It was a short, humiliating kiss and it made them both open their eyes.

Y/n sat in the backseat of the Dalton's car wearing one of the sweaters Charlie  had bought them, and when he finally walked out of the school they got out and ran towards him. Multiple people walked passed them as they desperately hugged and asked each other how the year went. They hadn't felt each other's body heat in such a long time and their hands were burning into each other's flesh. Y/n arms rested around Charlie's shoulders and Charlie's wrapped around their waist as he sniffed their hair.

Knox as well as Neil watched from the distance, both smugly knowing that the way y/ns eyes glowed weren't just out of happiness. Charlie laughed when they separated, y/n searched his face and then fixed his collar, "I thought I would've died before June. Oh, I missed you so much!"

"I missed you more," he grinned before pulling himself into another hug, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton were getting out of the car with equally confused expressions. Y/n laughed as they got picked up, then looked down at him. Their feet dangled as he spun them, fighting to thrash around or wrap around him to prevent failing. Nonetheless, one of their legs hit him so hard he tumbled, their feet hit the pavement again in a mid-apology but was cut off when their lips clashed onto each other.

Charlie's bottom lip cracked as y/n's first instinct was to bite down. Knox laughed at the pained look on Charlie's face. Y'/n repeatedly apologized. He calmed down after a few seconds as y/n wiped his bottom lip and playfully licked the blood off their thumb. Their eyes met, Charlie now focused on how their tongue swished slowly.

"And here you have the mating call," Neil joked as he attempted to look away only to have himself be nudged by Knox. He turned back around to see Charlie pulling their hand away and kissing their thumb, retaining scorching eye contact. Y/n smiled, almost devilishly before biting down softly on their own lip. The last thing Charlie remembers was being dragged by the ear into the car by his father and the boys hollering at y/n for leaving him so weak at the knees.

Y/n had been waiting a long time for that moment, two years to be exact since their first kiss. Her first kiss. So when the chance arose she made his head spin so hard he couldn't remember how to open the car door. Y/n continued to walk to the car with a smug expression on her face, they winked over at Knox. Who, painfully might they add, rolled his eyes and mouthed 'about time'.

Mrs. Dalton sighed in humiliation, "In you go," she signaled y/n back into the car. Just in time, their little sister went into the middle compartment to separate the two dizzy and 'in-denial' best friends slash unrequited lovers. The entire ride was awkward, the only thing separating them was Charlie's sister as his knee bounced uneasily thinking of the special way y/n kissed the corner of his mouth after the forced separation. Charlie's sister felt the tension and reluctantly risked the chance of getting carsick by propping a book open and reading.

They couldn't look each other in the eyes but they each looked out their respective windows with their hand over their mouth in disbelief. Knox tasted the metallic liquid as  re-applied their cherry chapstick.

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