Chapter 30: "Familiarity breeds contempt"

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Julius above

Julius POV

Alexa, Brandon, and I supervise the training of the warriors; our allies on the west notified us about a quite big group of rogues heading into our way. If there are many of them, they will feel strong, and that increases the risk of attack, especially on isolated packs like ours.

Brandon seems to be in a very good mood today, and I wonder why? According to what Alexa has told me, he wasn't very productive in his actions during their journey. He was more of the wallflower all the time.

Yet now, when I observe his training, I must admit his wolf seems stronger and more... violent, but at the same time, Brandon seems to be in perfect control, so it's not bad news. And yet, for some reason, I feel Drake's hate towards Brandon. I don't understand why. My condition is more stable recently, I feel stronger, and the state of muscles in my legs has improved significantly, but I still can't move them. Drake is close, but still, I can't grasp our connection. I still struggle.

Alexa stands next to me, calm as always, or maybe she just pretends.

"We haven't talked about Terry," she says, and I snarl, feeling anger rising in me.

"Don't give me that look, Julius; Terry was our friend, yours and mine, maybe not a close friend but still a friend. Someone with who we've drunk, talked, spent time."

"And he lied to us; he was lying all this time!" I say.

"And we lied to him too because, for us, he was a normal human, so we've kept quiet about being werewolves."

I inhale sharply; I can't believe she tries making excuses for the fucking bastard!

"We kept our privacy; he is a killer, one of the most dangerous villains our kind has ever had! I don't believe that he just happened to stay so close to our pack! He must have a hidden agenda! I understand that his father helped Mae, but Terry is not his father!"

Brandon comes closer, and I feel my eyes shifting and Drake's bloodlust. I don't understand what's going on. I may not like Brandon, but he is still my cousin, and I've never felt such strong hate, actually without any reason except jealousy.

"What are arguing about?" asks Brandon, and Alexa glares but answers quite politely:

"We are talking about Terry; I'm quite sure that during our trial, we will both be asked about how to proceed with his case. And I kind of feel down; I liked talking with him."

"Well, I don't, but I won't bullshit you that he was always fishy for me because he wasn't. I thought about him as a tough guy, no one extraordinary."

"And how is Danny?" I ask; I haven't spoken with him for two weeks, but it already feels like months.

"He doesn't like to talk about his childhood. He spends most of his time painting. I think he still struggles with the decision of whether he should notify his mother or not. After all, Terry is her brother." Brandon says and looks at Alexa." If I ask you a question, will you skin me alive?"

"Depends on what you are going to ask."

"About Fiona..."

Alexa growls, but Brandon continues:

"We've already established how big a jerk I was, but is she alright? As promised, I haven't spoken with her, but I still worry about her."

"You created this mess, but she's good; she seems calmer recently, and I think she will be okay."

Brandon nods and then looks at me and asks another question:

"And how do you feel about Madison's comeback?"

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