Chapter 38: "Any port in a storm"

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Terry POV

"Honestly, I think only about five guys could survive the collapsing of the factory, including Jordan, but I'm not sure what their names were, and I would have problems recognizing them after so much time," I tell Danny.

We both sit in the clearing, far away from home, watching Jason and Ivory train in their wolf form. I am no longer comfortable with girls having their wolf run so close, Howl Pack. They are not a threat for now, but someone from my past is. Driving here was long, but at least I was sure no one was following us, and we were safe here.

"So, will you tell me what is happening between you and Julius?" I ask, and Danny not only averts his eyes but also gets quite red. Not that it's my business, but I wonder how it really works when you are the true mate of one werewolf but fall in love with the other.

He doesn't say anything, and I don't want to push him. I relax more, lying in the grass. It's been so long since I felt so... calm and happy. I'm not worth it, but Jewels managed to give me a sensation of affiliation, pride in teaching someone something, and warmth. I was 15 when I first took a life and continued doing it for the next 11 years. I was dreaming about my own family, but truth be told, I felt like I shouldn't have one. I was too twisted, too dangerous to raise a child, and as hell, I wasn't worthy to be a role model for anybody.

Maybe it is destiny, the rightful punishment for my crimes, that my past threatens me now when I finally believe that I can stop living in its shadows.

Pearl, who sits next to me, whimpers slightly.

"I want to play too," she says. "But I can't shift; Kiana doesn't talk with me."

I look at her with concern, she seems to have a fever and be in pain, but I wonder why? She was alright this morning when we left the house.

"Come here, kid," I say and touch her forehead. "You are on fire. Maybe we should come back."

On our road home, I clearly see something wrong is going on with her, and I'm getting increasingly worried. Danny, to my surprise, keeps exchanging glances with Jason, who, on the other hand, seems to be tenser and tenser with every passing minute.

Fuck what is going on?

"You ok, Jason? Are you in control?" Danny asks finally,  and Jason nods but seems to be struggling with it.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I think Pearl has started her heat," Danny says, and his friend nods again, clenching his teeth.

Ivory glances at both, unsure a bit, and I spit:

"What is heat?"

"Heat is something only omega wolves have on a daily basis, I mean regularly every couple of months; it's an incredibly fertile time for a wolf, who pushes to have sexual intercourse and basically get pregnant. Because they are the most fertile among werewolves, during heat, they are usually in a state o haze; their instincts take over. But the problem is that Pearl is also releasing special pheromones which attract unmated male wolves with only one intention, to have sex," says Danny

I glance at Jason and see him breathing hard and his eyes shifting back and fore; Pearl isn't any better. She sweats, wriggles, and whimpers, I think, in pain.

"Heat is also very painful, we must go home as soon as possible, and I will be able to look after her," Danny continues." Ivory, is it her first heat?"

Ivory nods, biting her lips; she seems nervous. I look once again at Jason; he also seems nervous but ensures me that everything is alright, at least for now. But about half an hour later, his eyes are shifted, and he starts growling and tells me to stop the car.

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