Chapter 43: "The course of true love never did run smooth" Part 4

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Terry POV

I must say if Brandon and Madison are here, their choice of hideout was brilliant. 

The building is big, with windows nailed with big wooden planks, surrounded by construction waste and a big fence by the side of a rather busy road. Yet people who walk past places like that daily usually ignore it. They look at it but forget it very quickly.

I walk a bit shaky from the direction of the shop on the opposite side of the road, with the bags full of beers; even if anybody is watching from the building, they will probably take me as a drunk guy looking for a place to pee. It's late evening, the perfect hour for people to start going home from their job. So I pass the fence and go closer, walking behind the building, still slightly shaky and not too fast. I spot big dumpsters beside the building's wall above them, not blocked windows; the construction workers usually throw rubbish through them.

I stand a light a cigarette, and that's when two guys who for now causally have talked with each other at the end of the alley, near the shop I've just come, start arguing like crazy; they shout so loud that everybody who was passing is trying to walk faster.

I have only seconds, and I'm fast as almost without any noise I climb the dumpster and next up the window. If there are guards, the argument on the other side of the road will get their attention for a very short amount of time, and by the end of this time, I must be inside.

I very quickly enter the building, I'm sure no one will catch my scent, but my movements are a different story. No one can move without any noise. And yet I manage to reach the staircase unbothered; I notice the dim light and voices coming from one of the rooms; they joke, they are busy with themselves. They are cheerful; for sure, they see nothing coming.

I slowly go as close as I think is safe; judging by the sounds, there can't be more than ten of them. I hear loud steps and hide behind some pile of construction material. I peak and see a woman; I'm sure it's Madison, as she walks downstairs probably to the basement.

I don't have to wait any longer as I dial the call and whisper just one sentence:

"Madison is here in the basement."

And that's when a colossus hand grips me by my throat and pulls me up; the rogue looks at me with anger baring his fangs. His grip hurts, but I waste no time as I get the wolfsbane gas from my pocket and spread it into his face. He screams in pain but lets me go.

 I fall on the floor, and it hurts, but my instincts kick in; as I throw the gas cane into the room, they emerge. Some of them start coughing, and some start to run in my direction, and that's when the front door gets broken, and warriors from Howl Pack enter the building.

I see Alexa and Jason; they both take a big sniff, shift and run upstairs as if the devil himself was chasing them; I notice Julius going in the direction of the basement when Madison disappeared a moment ago. I step away from rogues letting the warriors deal with them and follow Alexa and Jason. I'm sure they smelt Danny; they must've. He must be still alive no matter what.

As I run faster, I hear the sounds of fighting downstairs and above me. We must make it as quickly as possible because there is no way bystanders will ignore it.

But when I enter the room where the most screams come, I'm welcomed by the scene from horror. 

A bunch of wolves fights,  Alex and Jason among them. They bite, growl, and jump at each other, sending themselves in a different direction. The blood drips from their muzzle, and howls of pain pierce through my ears. 

Brandon stands motionless, pressed into the wall, holding Danny tightly. His laugh of the madman echoes inside the room. 

I can't get close to them, but I can go close to Fiona, who is lying on the floor. Shit, I can see a big ripped wound in her stomach, for sure made by werewolf claws, but as I kneel near her, I notice that she is alive; she keeps breathing, even though barely.

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