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It's the right time to tell her everything that I am hiding from her since day 1 of our meet.


"Christian...stop taking these long pauses my blood pressure is shooting"

"Calm down and don't be worried there is nothing to be worried about. "

"I will decide if I have to worry or not. "

"Okay then...close your eyes first."


"Close your eyes and stop speaking wifeyyy."

She closes her eyes and her mouth like a GOOD GIRL she is. I signal my men to bring out the first gift. They bring the gift and place it just before her on the table.

"Open up your eyes Sarah."

She slowly opens her eyes and immediately gasps at the gift infront of her. I can't blame her for the reaction. She shifts from her chair and moves away from the table with shock clear in her eyes.

"Christian are you kidding me...what the hell is this and who does this belong to? "

"Take a wild guess babe"

"A guess...are you crazy or what. And what part of your brains thinks that you should give this as a GIFT to your wife."

"You know that your husband isn't the regular one...right? So just a small trailor of what's coming next. Brace yourself sweetie. And come close to me why are you so away from me."

"I am not away from you but from your so called GIFT. "

"Come on honey....sit beside me and I'll tell you everything and the idea behind this gift. Come here."

She beleives me and finally come closer to sit beside me. Grabbing my hand as tightly she could ...fear clear in her eyes...but I didn't mean to scare her so I comfort her

"Don't be scared sweetie. I didn't mean to scare you but I just wanted to give this to you as a symbol that you're mine. "

"I am your's Christian. We don't need a symbol to tell this and I still don't understand that how does this signify that I am your wife."

"Let me explain this to you..."..........


Hey readers...I hope you're doing good. I am sorry to keep you waiting for a lil more longer to reveal the GIFT.  But beleive me it's gonna be worther. Also let me know in your comment section if  you have any wild guesses what it's gonna be.

Miss author

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