chapter 8

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- MILA -

Azail has been here for four days.

What i've notice is that he works out every morning.

Today i decided to join him. It was 5am currently. How he wakes up this early every day, i have no idea.

But i was willing to disturb my sleep. If it meant spending more time with him, i'll do it.

It's not like you do anything else beside being with him.

Still it was not enough. It felt like my time with him was running out. There was a weird feeling in me that all of this would end too soon.

Let's hope he'll stay here for a bit longer that necessary.

I got up from the bed, took a quick shower and brushed my teeth.

Not having time to dry my hair, i put it in a high tight bun. I put my working outfit on. Beige sports bra and black tights.

I have never worked out. A year ago i tried to do yoga, but i gave up after the second day.

Was i going to embarrass myself in-front of him? Probably.

Trying not to think out about it, i took my workout mat and went downstairs.

Azail was in the kitchen taking a bottle of water and an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Good morning." I greeted him.

He turned around, a look of surprise on his face. His eyes slowly traveled over my body and than face.

Guess what!

I blushed. It was all i did being around him. His stare always made me feel giddy. And the feeling was stronger and stronger each day.

"I decided to work out today." I showed him my working out mat. "I use to do yoga." For one day, but i wasn't gonna say that out loud.

He didn't said anything.

He probably thinks you're weird Mila. You're not giving him time to breathe. Always acting clingy.

"I'm not gonna bother you, i can work out inside if your not comfortable-"

"It's okay. You're not gonna bother me." Yess, i did a happy dance in my head.

I followed him outside. He was dressed in black shorts and tight grey t-shirt.


My eyes traveled over his body and i noticed a small tattoo on the back of his bicep.

It was two three initials. R D M. I wonder what they mean.

I'll ask him later.


I was currently on the mat. Trying to do the Cobra pose. And i was failing.

Failing because my eyes were on Azail. Yes i was starting at him. So what? He was beautiful.

He was doing push ups. I never knew someone could look this attractive while working out.

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