chapter 11

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- MILA -

Did i sleep last night after the forehead kiss? No.

I couldn't. My heart was going crazy. And did he called me princess?


Could it be that i was developing feelings beyond friendship? I didn't know anything about romantic feelings.

I've read so many romance novels, but i have never experienced anything like that, obviously. How could i, being in this house all the time.

Maybe i should ask Azail. I'm gonna ask him couple of questions and i'll try not to make it obvious.

Tonight. I'll do it tonight.


I was crying. My eyes were blurry and i couldn't even see anymore.

Yes i was crying for a movie. Who didn't cry while watching movies anyways.

I should have chosen a different movie and not Blue Valentine. It was not a movie to watch with a company.

Because it's freaking sad.

"Are you really crying for a movie?" Azail asked.

"Umm yes. Weren't you watching as well? They don't end up together. That's not fair." I wiped my eyes with the back of my palm.

"Not everyone has a happy ending, Mila." How is he so okay with saying something like that? People should never have sad endings. It was cruel.

"But everyone deserves to have one. When i fall in love, i'll never leave that person willingly." I'll never leave you, Azail is what i wanted to say.

There was a soft look in his eyes. The same look he had yesterday when he kissed my forehead.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?" The question left my mouth without thinking.

"Yes." Ohh. I mean why was i even disappointed. He was thirty of course he had girlfriends before.

"Just once. In high-school. We dated just for a week though. The week prom was held." A small laugh left his lips.

"She just wanted a date for prom. And after that we broke up. I never really had girlfriends after that. I focused on my job more." I bet a lot of girls had crush on him in school. But he wanted to work and focus on his job and help his parents and brother. I admired him for that.

"I was home schooled. I wish i could go to a prom and dance. When i finished high school i made a small party by myself. I did my makeup and dressed up in a gown." I smiled remembering how Maggie took my pictures and how unfocused they were.

I always begged my dad to take me to town, but he never did. He would always makes excuses and say that i was safer at home.

I loved dad but sometimes i didn't understand why he acted the way he did. I was already twenty one and i wanted to experience different things. I wanted to dance at a party, go to the cinema, hang out with friends, go to the book store, travel to different countries and so many more stuff.

Just normal things people do. But I never complained. I knew dad would never intentionally hurt my feelings with his actions.

Now that i met Azail, i wanted to do those things with him.

He did promise me he would take me out for my birthday. That was something i was looking forward and couldn't wait for the date to come.

Oh God. I should already chose what to wear. I can't wait for the last minute for the outfit.

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