chapter 15

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There was this intense feeling in my chest. And yes, Mila was the one responsible for it.

She was responsible for my happiness. For my joy.

Looking so peaceful, she was sleeping by my side. Her back to me. I didn't want to move her and cause her any more pain, that she was already feeling.

I didn't even plan to kiss her tonight, but it just happened.

Her soft lips.

I couldn't get them out of my head. After this, i'm not going to be able to stop myself from kissing her every second of the day.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone. It was Tony. Again.

Why was he calling so late again?

I got up from the bed, covered Mila with the blanket and kissed her hair.

I went to my room and closed the door behind me.

"What?" I answered the call.

"I found Samuel. And i also found out something."

How did he do it so fast? It has been only one day since we last talked.

"Talk." I paced the room and waited for him to spill whatever her learned about Armand.

"I didn't even had to do anything. He just started to talk. He told me about Mila's mom...

So let's start from the beginning. Armand and her met when she was in high school. She was sixteen and he was twenty seven, man. She was just a kid."

What the fuck.

"They started to get to know each other and eventually started dating. After she finished high school she moved in with him. From what Samuel said, he practically made her live with him.

Her parents were not financially stable so Armand bribed them and made Athena live with him. Apparently she was not happy with how things were going. She didn't want to be there. But Armand wouldn't let her leave.

After a year, when she was nineteen she got pregnant. I don't know but it seems like he forced her to have his child."

I was not feeling good. What kind of sick person would do that? She was so young. And her parents. They failed their daughter.

Tony continued. "After Mila was born it was getting harder for Athena to leave."

"Why didn't Samuel do something? Why didn't he helped her?" I asked. He could have done something. He could have stopped all of this.

"He threatened him with his family. He couldn't tell the police. Armand was going to destroy him. So after few years he stopped working for him. He lost a lot after that. But he didn't want to be in touch with Armand anymore. The only way they communicate is through emails. Samuel is paying of his debt to him."

That explains the emails and documents i found in his office. Also it makes sense that he would threaten him. Armand was even worse that i thought.

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