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(hey. =D im alive, and this update is mainly for a friend whom wants me to update, im still working and busy with other things tho-)


"Myaaah!," grim shouted.

"Hwaahh! We gotta get out of here! Before we disappear for good!" the ghost shouted as they got hit once more by grims blue flames, disappearing off into the backrooms/j.

"H-Huh? Did we...win?" grim asked in disbelief before M!y/n, who was clearing the remaining flames with water magic spoke up, "Thanks for your help, dear great grim" he chuckled.

"Aw, geez, I was scared outta my-" he spoke in a quivering voice before cut himself off "I mean, they didn't faze me one bit!" he tried to speak in a convincing voice. "Just a walk in the park for a mage of my caliber! Whaddaya got to say now, ghosties? That's right!"

M!y/n playfully rolled his eyes, spotting a bucket he was so desperately looking for earlier, he walked over to the dusty hunk of metal and picked it up, examining it for holes before a booming voice reached his pointed ears.

"Good evening. In another gesture of my immense kindness, like i promised, I have brought you dinner." It was crowley, who held a paper bag in hand. M!Y/n could already smell the food as his stomach grumbled.

"Wait. That's the creature we ejected for causing trouble at orientation! What is it doing here?!" Crowley spoke in a panicked voice as his gaze sharpened at the sight of grim, looking like he was going to kick the poor rat into next year.

"Takin' care of yer ghost problem, that's what. You're welcome, by the way!" Grim boasted, the words of Grim caught Crowley's attention as he turned to M!Y/n who was dusting off any dirt from the bucket.

"What is the meaning of this, M!Y/n?"  Crowley asked as he took a few steps on the creaky wooden floor to get closer to M!y/n who just sighed and started to speak.

"Ghost's, There seems to have been ghost's haunting this place and they started teasing us to join them in the after life.. then Grim happened.. and well we fought the ghost's together?" M!Y/n tried his best to explain.

"But you know, on that topic, I do seem to recall that this dorm had a mischievous ghost Problem" Crowley voiced out. Which in tail lead M!y/n to start thinking, 'And he didn't explain this to us before? well it could've slipped his mind..man, all that fighting made me hungry'

"Ah, Yes... That's why it was abandoned, in fact. The ghosts scared away all the students." He placed his hand on his chin in thought. "And you're saying that you two joined forces to drive them away?"

"Joined Forces" Ain't exactly how I'd Describe it" Grim stated which M!y/n scoffed at and rolled his eyes. "More like I drove 'em away, and the human watched. And i only did it' cause i wanted some tuna." 

M!Y/n quickly pitched in, "I helped get rid of the fire that may have misfired! and cleaned up the after math of the flames, along with guiding you to where to shoot!"  he crossed his arms in an irritated manner, though still holding the bucket.

"hey... wait a minute! I never got those cans of tuna ya promised!" 

"Would you two be so kind as to demonstrate your ghost-eradication methods for me?" Crowley asked which made M!y/n groaned aloud causing Crowley to slightly glare at M!y/n as he set down the food else where.

"One, no, 'cause I already wiped 'em all out. And two, no, 'cause where's my tuna?!" Grim shouted.

"I will play the part of the ghosts." 

"As for the tuna, you'll receive it when you defeat me, oh, what generosity, Crowley..." He praised himself which M!y/n chuckled at.  "Yes how generous  you are Headmaster." M!y/n spoke aloud, boosting Crowley's ego as he smiled brightly.

"Now to chug this transmutation potion!" he pulled out a shimmering bottles which caught M!y/ns attention as Crowley pressed the rim of the bottle to his blue lips, finishing the whole thing.

He transformed into a ghost, which amazed M!y/n as he knew potions of transformation were a thing from his brother teaching him. But alas he never really used them for he naturally has a power to shapeshift to a certain degree.

"Ah, you gotta be kiddin' me. I gotta work together with the human again?" 

"Shut it grim, I thought I told you!-" M!y/n sighed before speaking up again, "Do it for the tuna, oh Great Master sorcerer!" 

"Hrmph." Grim looked bored  before raising his voice. "All right, but this is the last time. And I better be up to my jowls in tuna afterwards!"

And so the battle commenced...


-M!y/n really gets annoyed by grim, thinking of ways to kick him out

-Crowley is even more intrigued now that he hear M!y/n was able to work together with grim

-the ghost's were still watching them as they spoke to Crowley.

-author is tired. 

-author wants to fucking sleep


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