Day 25 + 26

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"FELIX! YOU IDIOT!!!" Felix's mom yelled, shaking her son awake. "You're late for work!!!"

Shooting up from his bed, the blonde looked at his mother wide eyed, "What?! What time is it?"

"It's 8:28!!! You are most definitely late!" She scolded before shutting his bedroom door, leaving the dumbfounded boy to begin to panic. He silently cursed as he began to get ready, tossing on some random shirt in his closet that looked somewhat work appropriate.


In a hoodie and sweatpants, Felix stood in embarrassment as the three other doctors laughed their asses off at him. Mostly Minho. I mean he was on the floor crying.

"You're a fucking dumbass Felixie." The older pestered, wiping his tears while attempting to stand up. "Did you explain to Manager-noona?"

"Of course I did. Thanks for your undying sympathy." The blonde mocked, sitting down at the table. "Atleast your reaction was better than Hyunjins..."


Opening the door, Hyunjin's head perked up as he threw on a tank top. Before Hyunjin could say good morning, he turned towards him to see a exhausted and messy looking Felix who stumbled in the room with a red face.

"I can't believe I put on sweats." He muttered in self reflection.

"This is new..." He said in suspicion before his face blew up in a serious face, "Are you leaving? Y-You can't-"

"HYUNJIN NO!" He yelled a bit too loud. Once he realized it, he covered his mouth and lowered his head in apology. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be that loud-"

Suddenly, Hyunjin was right in front of Felix. The patient grabbed both of Felix's hands and pushed the patient gently into the wall. His face flushed to an even deeper red. Leaning a bit closer, the brunette whispered in Felix's ear, "I like it."

"What?" He inquired in disbelief.

"You yelling at me. Your voice gets higher and you sound so..." the man's breath hitched as his hand trailed down the hoodie, finger tracing the boy's faded abs. "As long as you do anything... but leave."

"What do-"

A warm, wet tongue shoved its way into Felix's mouth, forcefully kissing the boy quiet. Tasting every bit of the doctor, he pulled away, realizing the man didn't return the kiss, yet he didn't seem finished. His leg moved in between Felix's legs and his hands held his waist firm against the wall.

"Hyunjin... we have to go-"

A small peck silenced the doctor once again. "Hush." The nose of the brunette slowly grazed the jawline of Felix, as his sharp breaths hit his skin with a tingle. "We can go in a minute..."

Kissing Felix again, he enjoyed himself noticing how even though the doctor didn't return his actions in anyway, he didn't resist either. His slender hands moved up and down the sides of him, as his body inched closer, close to ending the distance between eachother completely. His eyes were shut in a flutter as he groaned into the kiss continuing to spoil the boy in unnecessary kisses and touches.

Felix placed a hand on Hyunjin's chest, pushing him back slightly. The patient felt it and let go of the kiss but tore Felix's hand off of him. "What's wrong?"

"I....I....- We can't... you can't.... we can't like.... y'know.... do this..." He said shyly, "If I get caught... I... I'll lose my job..."

The patient gave him a very un-patient look, with a small glare. "If I wasn't a patient... would you... let me kiss you?"

"Oh God Hyunjin... I've- I've only been here for three weeks... I shouldn't even be letting this happen. If you weren't a patient, I surely wouldn't be letting you kiss me after such short time!" The blonde peeled himself off the wall and moved away from the patient.

"Well... I just wanted to tell you that I liked your outfit..." He said simply before going to the door, opening it and walking out. The doctor sighed, and followed him behind slowly after.

*Flashback End*

"SHITTTTTTT-" Seungmin and Jeongin gasped at the story, glancing over at the openly upset patient who began to go on a quiet, annoyed rant.

"Did that really happen?" Jeongin asked in concern and surprise. "Hyunjin doesn't seem like that type of person."

"Well he is I guess and I am really worried."

"About what? That you just cock blocked him? So what, he'll get over it." Minho told him as if this has happened many of times before.

"I don't know. He seems pretty upset..."

"Forget about Hyunjin for a minute," the oldest tossed away the subject before narrowing his eyes on Seungmin. "The fuck is on your neck?"

With shocked eyes, he instantly moved his hand to his neck to cover the purple hickey on his neck. "N-Nothing! It's nothing!"

Jeongin grabbed the redheads hand and looked at it closely before gasping. "Did Changbin give you that? Or do you have a lover?!" He was a bit too loud because over at the patient table, Changbin's eyes flashed over to the table, as he studied the atmosphere. He said something to the table before standing up and heading towards Jeongin who kept trying to pry open Seungmin while he noticed more love bites and marks.

"Min.. can we go back to the room..? I'm tired."

Witha relieved expression he stood up and grabbed Changbin's hand and mouthing a thank you, before turning to his dearest friends. "Bye guys-"

"There is nit way in hell those two just 'flirted' yesterday. That's some bullshit right there."


The next day, Hyunjin wasn't sitting up or changing to go see his friends, or wa he in the floor waiting for Felix. He was in bed sleeping. Even when Felix brought Keopi that day, he stayed in his bed and dismissed Felix from being in the room. The dog, instead, went around the hospital to visit patients while he wasted the time on the clock.

The hours passed like minutes as he and the dog got so busy, he ended up not going back to check on Hyunjin. First, he didn't want to upset him further and Second, he needed to take Keopi home.

After he clocked out, he went back to his house where his mom was asleep on the couch, watching a new drama series called 'Notification From You.' He switched the television off and put a blanket around his mother. Then, he went up to his room to go clean up a bit before bed.

Well... them when it was near midnight, Felix was about to get into bed when his phone rang. In surprise, he checked his phone to see that it was the Asylum calling. Immediately, he answered in case of emergency.


"Saehun-noona? Why are you calling?" He asked into the device.

'GET TO THE ASYLUM RIGHT NOW!!!' She screamed.

"What? But I'm almost in bed. Noona, tell me what's wrong." He explained tiredly.

'It's Hyunjin... he...'


'Bring a gun or something... he has a bat... and four of our security guards are already down. Three other patients are out of their rooms as well... please hurry.'

Then. It hit midnight.

His Doctor // HYUNLIXWhere stories live. Discover now