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  Olivia made a miraculous recovery in only four days. Sure she had bandages on both her legs and arm but hell she felt so much better. Yonwoo had treated them so well. They even met his son's, Seo Changbin and Seo Minhyun.

  "Rachel, once your sister recovers fully, what will you do?" Yonwoo asked, smiling delicately at the girl.

  "I... Didn't think about that..." Rachel said quietly, "Well, I'd have to talk to Liv before we do anything so I don't really know yet."

  "Alright, just know you two can stay for as long as you like." He offered generously.

  "Thank you."


  Olivia overheard Mr. Seo talking to his men, even though she was in her own room. The vent let her hear everything.

  "What do you mean we lost two men today? Did they die or did they quit? Who were they? What do you mean?" He snorted. Olivia could imagine his scoffing.

  "Sir, it was Eunchae and Jiunn." A voice said.


  "They died from suicide."

  "Those two were my best shooters! Goddamn, I don't want you men to fill those positions, those woman were ones I could trust for fucks sake! Fuck... Go get me a drink and call Changbin and Minhyun."

  "Yes sir."

  A loud huff came from the vent, making Olivia feel bad. She wanted to repay the help he gave her. Maybe after a while of gaining his trust...


Rachel would never agree to that.

Sticking with her is something she had to do.

Olivia wouldn't leave her side or do something she didn't agree to.


"You... Want to join...?" Yonwoo spoke slowly. It's been a month and Olivia has been recovered full for about two weeks now. Yonwoo took the place as her father figure while Rachel was getting closer to Yonwoo as well, find her only as a elder friend.

  "Yes. I haven't talked to Rach' about it yet, but I want to repay what you've done for me. I know how to use a gun, I'm not sure if I'm good at it, but I'm willing to learn!" She retold.

  "I'm not so sure... You need to speak with your sister before making rash decisions, plus you are quite young." He reasoning, hesitantly looking at her in worry.

  "I'll talk to her... But your like the father figure that I needed in my life. I want to work for you to repay the debt I'm burdened you with." She bowed slightly before leaving the room to go find her sister.

  Yonwoo was quite shocked.

  "Rach'? You in there?" Olivia spoke to the door, knocking loudly but gently.

  "Come in."

  The youngest sister entered the room where Rachel was scrolling on her phone, "What's up lil' sis?"

  "Can we talk? I want to do something and I just need to tell you." The youngest asked nervously.

  "I'm listening." Rachel shut her phone off and sat up, looking at her in curiosity. Her eyes looked a bit worried as Olivia sat down next to her, looking down at her hands.

  "I want to join Yonwoo's gang."


Long story short, we're back to the present. But yet, we aren't with Felix or any of the boys? Of course we aren't. The chapters called Day XXX for a reason.

  In the concrete building, heels clicked onto the floor, breaking the silence of the  place. Gunshots were faint in the distance, ringing in anyone's ears. The dimmly lit hallway glittered off of the girl's shiny black shoes. Her eyes stared down at the ground as she had an upset look on her face, almost panicked. Her glossy lips were in a pout as her walking speed picked up a bit quicker.

  Tossing the door open, she walked in, shutting the door gently behind her.

  "Yonwoo. Why the fuck is my brother with your fucking murder targets?!" Olivia yelled in anger.

  With a sigh, the man shook his head, leaning back in his chair, "Mhh~ Lee Felix, right, Liv?"

  "Congratulations, you know his name, now answer my question." She demanded.

  "Ah~ Olivia, here me out. I wasn't planning on killing your brother. All I need to Hwang, Han, Lee, and my jackass son dead. Hell, you can even make your brother stay here. I'm only looking out for the best interest of the gang and of the family. After what those four did to my son... I can't bare it. But if your brother gets in the way I make no-"

  "No. No this is bullshit. Your son died because of his ignorance. If you might risk my brother's life, I'm out. Rachel will be too." She snapped, pointing at herself. The rage in her eyes were evident in the situation. The man narrowed his eyes.

  "Get your sister in here. I want to know what she thinks. I'd rather speak to an adult." He mocked, crossing his arms.

  Enraged and upset, she scoffed and grabbed his phone to call his sister. The man at the desk smirked watching her tell her sister to come to the office. Yonwoo waited, patiently, his grin growing by the minute as Olivia tapped her foot on the ground impatiently.

  "Olivia, what happened to calling me Dad? Why suddenly come at me with with my name?" He eased, trying to making Olivia calm down.

  "Maybe it's the fact that you might kill my damn brother?!" She retorted, rolling his eyes and gritting her teeth.

  Rachel entered too room right after, her expression not so happy as well. She bit her lip as in holding in some angry words. She inhaled sharply, glowering harshly at Yonwoo.

  "Explain why Olivia told me you are putting our fucking brother in danger?" She shouted, her fists clenched, "Look, I get you kill people for a living, hell I've killed hundreds now. But if you hurt our brother, we have issues."

  He laughed, "Issues, Rachel? That's a great choice of words. But I'd appreciate if both of you would shut the fuck up." His face dropped dead serious as the girls froze, "You two cannot drop off this. I can kill you both right now but I would rather not."

  They were silent, choking on the mere tense air.

  "I love you two girls, like my own kid. These past years I've never had a relationship with you two like I have to my own children. And after Minhyun's death, I vowed to get the revenge I needed. If your fucking brother gets in my motherfucking way, I will blow his head off and you will watch me." His sick tone was laced in his words. "Now you can leave."

  "You're fucking crazy..." Rachel snickered before grabbed Olivia's arm and dragged her out, "GO FUCK YOURSELF YONWOO!!!"

  The man sat there with a proud smirk, "My sweet, sweet girls. Idiotic and young, yet they learn so quickly."


Hope this cleared up confusion on Yonwoo and Liv and Rachel. Love y'all bye bye!)

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