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In the car, Hyunjin sat in the backseat, his eyes shut, imagining the scenario of his brother's death over and over again. Until it was replaced with Hyunjin killing himself. He just wanted sleep. He couldn't fall asleep. Did he have insomnia like Chan? No, it's was paranoia...

He felt eyes in the back of his neck. He shot his eyes open and wiped around, seeing a black car with a guy outside the top. Hyunjin screamed, waking up Jisung and Changbin, since it was the middle of the night.

"It's... Them..." He began to cry again, shaking as the red lazer landed on his head, "H-help..."

Changbin stuck out of the window and shot the sniper in the head before shooting at the tires. Chan sped up to be 40 over the speed limit. Jisung held Hyunjin's hand, holding him in a tight hug as Chan sped out of Busan as fast as he could.

The brunette was shaking in fear, his eyes widening. Slowly and slowly, he fell asleep. Jisung sighed, still holding Hyunjin.

"Guys. Let's go to Gangnam, it's far enough." He told them, as he grabbed all four of their phones and throwing them out of the window Incase of trackers.

"Also stop at a car dealership. We need a new vehicle. They know our plate."

Chan nodded before stepping on the gas even more, "How's Hyunjin?"

"Asleep." Jisung said quietly. He looked out of window, sighing as eh fiddled with the gun, "what do we do if the mental hospital catches us?"


"We can't keep running for the rest of our lives. Eventually we have to own up to the fact we killed people." He told them, staring at the gun now.

"I'm running with you guys to avoid being trapped. I've been fucking trapped for long enough, I can't do that fucking shit. If you want to go get out right now. I don't fuck-"

"Hyung, I wasn't suggesting we do, I was asking a question. Calm down." He reassured.

"Mhm" the older retorted, "I've owned up to the fact that I'm a man made psychopath. I've already accepted it. Even if we go to jail, what going to happen? Death trail, getting beat up, shitty food? I'd rather kill myself."

"I'd rather kill myself than listen to this conversation so shut up and find something else to bicker about." The oldest demanded. Jisung rolled his eyes and Changbin leaned his head back onto the seat. Chan sighed, "If they ever catch us, I will kill for us to stay together. We made a pact. Together or never. You guys are family, I won't be left alone."

Jisung cooed, feeling his soft side kick in, "Awe~ Hyungie cares about us~"

"Shut up Ji. Go to sleep." The angry ravenette growled from the passengers seat.

"You're so boring Hyung. Learn to live a little." He purred, "I personally think we should get a RV and drive around together all around Korea!" He said with sparkles in his eyes.

"What would that do?"

"Make us closer together as family!~ We can even change our names and then we can all have the same surname! I vote Hyunjinnie's though. Han is utterly boring..."

"I want Bang. That's so kickass." Changbin smirked, looking at the older who laughed.

"I want to keep mine. It's pretty cool."

Jisung snickered, "you just want it because your a whore who likes sleeping around."

"I don't sleep around. I'd rather sleep in by myself, not sleep with someone. I used to be a whore in my teens."

"I'm still in my teens and I'm not a whore." He laughed pridefully.

Hyunjin opened his eyes, seeming to be awake and less of a panicked person, "I want Chan's surname."

Laughing, Changbin gave him a fist bump, "Let's go. I can have a kickass name, Bang.... Bang Xien? Hell yeah, that so sexy."

"Well I want to be Peter Bang." Jisung piped in, back to his meaner side.

"I'll just be Chris Bang. It's literally my name and nobody really knows it." The oldest explained as he made a turn.

"I want to be Bang Minseok..." Hyunjin said, looking out the window sleepily. The car went silent, looking at the boy who didn't seem to notice. Jisung gave a bitter smile.

"That's a good name, Minseok. I'll call you Min for short!" Jisung cheered, trying to brighten the mood, "I'm sure your brother would love it."

Hyunjin smiled to himself, "He'd be so cocky about it, knowing I named myself after him... Flaunting it around at home and dancing on the couch as if he wasn't actually 12..." He laughed as tears formed in his eyes.

"Sumin would ask us all if you told us yet and then keep bragging about it." Whispered Chan, with a bit of hurt in his voice, "He would probably go up to Jisungie's mom and tell her to put it on her Facebook page. He'd want the world to know."

The four laughed quietly at the memory of Hyunjin's brother, tears forming in everyone's eyes, but other the two in the back seats let them out. Jisung and Hyunjin cried. It hadn't even been a week since he murder, yet all of them felt as though it had been just an hour ago. It hurt more than anything to loose one of the only family they had left.

The two cried together, their pains equally shared from the loss of Jisung's only parental figure and Hyunjin's only brother, both just like family to the group of four.

That gave Chan the memory of the abuse his parents gave him before he killed them, forcing Chan to pull over, not risking the thought of a crash. Changbin's heart broke, his eyes watered because his father was the cause of the deaths. Hyunjin's parents.. his brother... Jisung's mom... Hyunjin's dog.... Their sanity....

All dead and gone....

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