Chapter 10

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He need not have both eyes, his one eye and half the vision was enough to detect the unfamiliar surrounding he had just woken to.

Confused he turned over, the stench of musk and filth circling around him as he did. Upon turning, he was greeted by a woman who lay beside him as naked as the day she was born. She has unruly red hair and hazel eyes. A soft smile made it to her lips as she tried to reach out and fix the patch that was now slightly out of its usual place.

Aemond slapped her hand away as he felt his skin crawl with disgust

"Don't touch me!" He spat at the woman like he just tasted venom at the tip of his tongue.

Even if the woman took offence to his words she did not let it be shown. Instead she threw her head back and laughed before responding in a cocky tone.

"Forgive me my Prince, for I have already touched you..." Boldly she placed a finger to his chest and began trailing down the path of his abdomen... navel... before going down towards the most intimate region of his body. "...for the whole night."

Following the path of her finger Aemond noticed— he too was naked. Panic settled in, draining colour from his face, shame and confusion blurred together as he remembered the events from last night. The awkward fumbling, poor attempts to cower away from the strange touches, lewd moans all around.

He shuddered, remembering the way this whore had ridden him. Fingers carving thin bloody trails down his chest while he bellowed for her. Or the way he had so roughly flipped her after, fisting his hand into her hair and used it to pull her against him as he slammed himself inside her after Aegon had taunted him. Or the satisfied look he had to put on when with each of his thrusts the whore's breasts bounced and Aegon cheered him on.

He felt dirty, absolutely filthy. All he wanted at that moment was to get into a bath scrub himself raw until his skin was bleeding.

"If my Prince so much as desires I can touch him again." The offer made repulsed the prince, making him recoil at once. His action earned another laugh from the woman. "Not to worry, your brother has paid quite generously, enough to sate you for a week. So... what is it that you wish, my Prince?"

Aemond clenched his eye tightly. Disgust coursing through his veins. He did not wish to relive last night's experience.

Thus he asked to be left alone.

To no surprise of his she obliged, and with quick haste she hurried out of the room.


Aegon's disappearance from the Red Keep is now considered a normal occurrence. It has become that way years ago. But Aemond's absence from his chamber in the dead of the night caused the Queen to spend her night sleepless. A constant prayer in her lips, as she frantically paced inside her solar praying for her second son's safe return.

It was before daylight broke that Ser Arryk walked in, both her boys in the Knights each hand.

Seeing that her boys had returned unharmed, Alicent sighed out of relief and at once jumped out of her settee and approached them. It was when she neared them that she noticed the brothers wore a contrasting expression on their respective faces.

Aegon looked irritated. Glaring at Ser Arryk from the corner of his eyes and cursing him under his breath. Clearly he was outraged to be pulled out of wherever or whoever he was pulled out of.

Then, from Aegon as her eyes switched to Aemond, the Queen knew she had more reason to worry. The younger boy refused to meet her gaze. Keeping his focus on his feet. From the angle Alicent could see she read his expression for a look consisting of combination of emotions of being disgusted and embarrassed. Her motherly instincts told her to take him into her arms and comfort him. And she was about to do just that, but...

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