Chapter 14

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Alicent had no way of figuring out when the right time and place was or would be to break down the news to Aemond. The boy was expected to take one of the Baratheon girls for a wife.

Anyone of the four will do! The boy is free to choose. But remember, he must choose one!

Her father's instruction was clear and yet Alicent was failing miserably to even deliver him the news, let alone prepare him for the task.

To her credit Alicent had been trying. She had taken multiple attempts to have the talk with Aemond, unfortunately it always ended with words dying in her throat. In such ways she had wasted a fortnight. Now, less than a week remains till Lord Borros and his daughters' arrival to the court. And here, the Queen is yet to figure out how discuss the matter with her son.

Queen Alicent knows it is her duty to make the young Prince agree and to help him choose a suitable bride from a noble house whose alliance would benefit them in the future. However the mother Alicent found herself worrying constantly with thoughts like: Would he even agree? If not, then how must she convince her dear boy? After all the Four Storms are known to be quite plain featured. And truth be told, alliances be damned! Alicent actually wanted a wife for Aemond so beautiful that the whole court would wonder how such match was even possible. Especially those women who consistently whispered: "Who will marry that disfigured boy?" She hoped singers would write songs about her beauty and their love. So that the generations to come may know about the maimed prince and his breathtakingly beautiful wife.


The call of her favourite son pulled the Queen out of her chain of thoughts. She looked to find him watching her intensely.

"You're not eating."

He was right, Alicent barely touched the food on her plate that evening as they all sat down for supper in her apartment. It was just her and her children though. The King remained absent due to feeling unwell since the afternoon.

"Don't have much of an appetite. My mind is elsewhere to be honest..." Alicent paused, contemplating for a moment she decided to use the given opportunity and have the talk with Aemond.

"Oh Aemond...?" She began cautiously.

"Yes mother..."

"Lord Borros is expected to arrive with his family soon."

Aemond kept his lips tightly sealed. His gaze however moved over and settled on his younger sister. She was absently eating; quieter than she normally is. Suddenly Aegon leaned and whispered into her ear. And whatever he said made Aemma look at Aemond and smile.

The smile was so captivating that his heart began to race. And it wasn't long before it reached a point where Aemond feared the organ might break out of his ribcage.

"What is the purpose of lord Baratheon's visit?"

Turning to Daeron, Aemond clenched his jaw. Silently cursing the boy for being so daft to ask the most obvious question— the answer to which, he had no desire to hear.

Moving his gaze back to his mother Aemond noted, how nervously she was gulping.

Seated beside him, Helaena was looking at him. Even though Aemond didn't turn, but he could feel her eyes on him, watching intensely. Her voice was faintly audible to him. Although he couldn't make out most of what she had just said, but did pick up on a few words such as: dragon, stag and a witch...?!

And that made him turn, only to see that she was looking at him with broken eyes.

"Sister, are you alright?"

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