Chapter Five

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^The Beta^

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^The Beta^

I spent the night alone in a bed that was not my own. Relief was one word to sum up the feeling of not having to share a bed with a stranger. Even if he was my mate. I tossed and turned for the majority of the night, plagued with nightmares of being tortured for information. At one point I think I woke up screaming! When I came to tears streamed down my face.

Where's a damn dream catcher when you need it?

The nightmares felt surreal. Each nightmare was slightly different but in every one I was back in a grey cell chained to a wall. In the cell I was brutally beaten and tortured for information about people or events I had no knowledge of. At the end of each one the Alpha would yank my heart out of my chest. By the third nightmare I shouldn't have been shocked. It seemed that it was his style.

To keep my mind occupied I thought of escaping and calculated how many days I had left.

Seventeen days until Full Moon

Seventeen days did not mean I could dilly dally. I had to make every day count! As much as I enjoyed infuriating the Alpha I knew I had to gain his trust in order to be allowed to roam the pack territory.

After showering and cleaning the sweat that stuck to my body I dressed into a pair of grey leggings, a red sports bra and a black t-shirt. This had been the longest amount of days I had gone without training or sparring which caused me to feel antsy, especially Freya! She was clawing at the chance to run free.

To keep my mind at ease I decided to do my ab workout. First I started with simple yoga stretches then went into sit ups, russian twists, bicycle crunches, v-ups and then onto hip dips. After five sets I timed myself for a five minute plank. Finishing off I stretched once more before a soft knock sounded at the door. Freya slipped through, taking control.

It's Lily, She said half-disappointed.

I sighed of relief as I felt my eyes shift back to normal, "Come in."

"You alright? I didn't hear you come down for breakfast.." Lily stepped in the room and tilted her head to the side. "What are you doing?"

"A workout." I shrugged. "A laid back one since I don't have a sparring partner."

"You shouldn't overdo yourself. Especially when you haven't ate breakfast!" Lily gave me a pointed look, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!"

I laughed lightly as I stood up.

"What's so funny?" Lily's brows knitted together.

"You remind me of someone I know."

"Would they have tolerated you skipping breakfast?" Lily raised a brow.

"No," I grinned, shaking my head. "They wouldn't."

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