𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑 𝑺𝒊𝒙

801 32 13

Body in defense position, eye contact avoided, nervous tick, flushed cheeks...

This is the body language of someone who wanted to ask something but was also too embarrassed to ask.

[ OOOOOOOOH !! There's a place I know-]

(Y/n) decided to not scold Max for coming in the cabin, instead she choose to worry about his well-being.
He clearly wasn't at ease and she didn't want him to be uncomfortable in her presence.

" Come on baby..You can climb on my bed.." She warmly smiled and pats beside her. She obviously noticed that he immediately perked up and didn't hesitate to climb beside her.

Thankfully for Max, the bed wasn't too far off the ground and his small frame didn't have too much trouble climbing in.
(Y/n) hummed and lays her journal on her stomach as Max climbed over her to lay between her body and the wall.

He snuggles up to her side as he took a hold of her blanket, he brings it over himself and wrapped his small arm around her waist.

(Y/n) cooed and wrapped her right arm over his shoulders to tug him closer, making Max lay his head on her covered stomach (since she was still wearing her jacket) as he turned away from the light.

" You could've just ask y'know." She lightly giggled when he stuffed his face in her stomach, then she started running her hand through his black hair making Max relax.

" Did something happen ?" She asked, feeling the boy suddenly squeeze her jacket. After some tense seconds, Max nodded in her stomach.

(Y/n)'s brows crossed in a worried way. " Do you..want to..talk about it ?" She asked with hesitation.

Max shook his head and shifted closer to lean more on her.

As if she knew he needed some comfort, (Y/n) sighed as she hides her journal under her bed before she readjusts herself.
Now laying her back on the bed, the counselor was slightly startled when she felt Max sit up completely before sprawling on top of her.

He laid his head in the crook of her neck and wrapped his small arms around her torso like a koala on its tree, his tiny leg going over hers as he snuggles his face on her comfy chest.

(Y/n) chuckled as she felt Max cuddle her chest. " Time to sleep sweetheart.."

She pecked his head before nuzzling his fluffy hair as she wrapped him in her embrace in a protective way and slowly slipped in a peaceful sleep.

' Ha ! Take that David ! Bet she doesn't let you hug her like that !!'
Max slyly hide his smirk on (Y/n)'s chest as he smugly glared at the sleeping redhead on the other side of the cabin.

He was so going to rub it in David's face tomorrow morning. That's what he gets for trying to steal his favourite counselor.

* ✺◟(∗❛ัᴗ❛ั∗)◞✺ *

" Maaaaaxxxx !!" David groaned as the small boy smirked. The redhead could feel his blood boil in annoyance at the teasing, Max sure knows how to get under his skin.

(Y/n) walked in the Mess Hall with Quartermaster, she and the old man seemed to be discussing something really important because then QM nodded and walked back out without saying anything as usual.

" HI (Y/N) !!" The said woman looked over to see a blushing redhead and a small grumpy cat glaring at his skull. She grinned and walked towards the two, waving at the campers who said hello to her.

" Hey David. The CCC called, they're almost here and need someone to guide them around."

" Really ?!" David's smile got even bigger than usual. " Then I'll be happy to help !!" He excitedly ran out the Mess Hall, leaving the curly haired woman and the campers staring blankly at his back.

𝑨𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑬𝒚𝒆𝒔 (𝐶𝑎𝑚𝑝 𝐶𝑎𝑚𝑝)Where stories live. Discover now