𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑 𝑵𝒊𝒏𝒆

743 29 8

Max sneezed and snuggled more to his counselor's warm body as to catch more warmth. It's the third day of rain and to not leave him alone, (Y/n) choose to stay with Max in the counselor cabin until his cold is gone.

Right now, the woman was sitting in one of armchairs, watching TV on low volume, with Max curled up on her lap as he was back under her baggy jacket with only his head sticking out.

The boy was sneezing every now and then as his eyes were closed, his small frame cuddling (Y/n)'s warm body as he listened to the TV.

Then he opened his eyes and his aqua orbs shifted to look up at his counselor's face, he never really observes her up close and choose to take advantage of her distracted state to inspect her face.

He noticed something..her right eye.

She had this scar going over starting at her eyebrow, goes her eye and stop in the middle of her cheek, but since it healed years ago, the scar was so clear on her (s/c) skin that you really had to be very close to see it.

'I still can't believe she was a WoodScouts..Why didn't she told me ?' Max frowned as he stared at her face. Then his gaze found her neck and saw she was wearing a black choker with a little red crystal hanging.

" I didn't know you were wearing a choker." He suddenly said out loud then blushed at his mistake when she turned to look down at him and chuckled.

" There a lot of things you don't know about me Max.." The sick boy grinned as she gently ruffled his hair before he sneezed again.

" Bless you." She took a tissue and gently wipes his runny nose as Max grumbled at his itchy throat and lean more on her chest. " So you learnt about WoodScouts.." She felt Max nod and looked down at him.

" How was it ? Y'know being a female WoodScout ? Were they mean to you ? Were you hurt ? Is it true that you blew up the whole camp ?! Was the explosion really that awesome !?" (Y/n) laughed even more when Max grew fascinated about what he learned about her.

" Is it true that you have a lot of scars all over your body ?! Do they still hurt ? How did you get them ? I wanna knooooooww !!!" Max whined as he grinned when he saw his counselor laugh.

" For the scars, yes I have them. But you'll have to wait to see them.." Max pouted and crossed his arms childishly much to (Y/n)'s amusement.

" But since the rain won't stop anytime soon, and we won't leave the cabin because you're sick..How about I tell you how I got each of them, I'll tell you even the most gore details." Max perked up and excitedly nodded making his counselor smile.

" Okay, okay..Get comfortable, it's gonna be long and extremely detailed." (Y/n) changed her position to be in a criss-crossed position and feel Max also change position in her jacket.

He was basically sitting koala style but under her jacket.
His legs of each side of her hips with his small arms against her chest as he leaned his face against her own.

(Y/n) smiled warmly and nudged his face with hers, pecking his red runny nose as he shyly grinned and stuffed his face in the crook of her neck.

" Okay so, one day as the new recruits were doing a nature hike.." Max closed his eyes, listening his counselor with a content expression.

*✿❀ - ❀✿*

Taking care of Max and checking on the other campers was sure exhausting for (Y/n).

She kept going back and forth between the counselor's cabin to take care of Max and the Mess Hall to make sure every camper weren't messing too much with her friends.

𝑨𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑬𝒚𝒆𝒔 (𝐶𝑎𝑚𝑝 𝐶𝑎𝑚𝑝)Where stories live. Discover now