𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑 𝑬𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

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" Stop hitting me !" Max yelled as he felt his eye swollen in a black eye.

' Maybe escaping with a 'ex' Wood Scout in the rain was a really bad idea.' He thought, feeling the ropes burning his sides and wrists.

Now he was cold, hurt and wanted a hug, no matter how much his counselor was probably angry at him.

After all, he did promised her to try and like Camp Campbell and no more escape plans, but he lied and is now held against his will in this weird military summer camp.

" Down Snake we don't want to hurt our new recruit." He heard as a redhead stepped out into the light much to Max's disgust.

" God, your face is gross."

" What ?"


" And here's all the trophies the WoodScouts ever won for the last 20 years." As much as Max hated being here, he gotta say..the WoodScouts really have won many trophies.

However the more he saw old pictures, the more he noticed that there was females before but that only the very recent pictures had only men.

" Wait, didn't you say girls weren't allowed? Why there's so much girl pictures ?!" Max asked as he stared at the different pictures.

"Don't ask insignifiant questions-" "Down Snake. Our new recruit needs to know." Pikeman interrupted.

The acne faced boy hummed before turning a sharp right, the trio following him with Max looking around in obvious confusion.
The room around him was getting darker in the hallway and it makes him really nervous.

" We're here." Pikeman suddenly stopped making them stop. " Now.. What you're gonna see here is completely classified and have to stay on the WoodScouts territory."

Max stayed silent as his aquamarine eyes adjusted to the darkness.

" The WoodScouts did hire female recruits more than 15 years ago. Female scouts represented more than 85% of the recruits per year and they were the best."

" Strong, Independent, Intelligent, they were the best in any form of any way..
Until she arrived..." Pikeman switched on the light. The hallway slowly showing the items put in glass boxes.

" The most fierce, most strong, most brutal female..the WoodScouts ever encountered.. Only the former counselor knew her real name but every WoodScouts knows her as..." The dead-end completely lights up, showing a full body picture of the represented female.

"(Badass/n), the strength of crystal eyes.."

Her piercing aquamarine eyes were forming a death glare,
Her face having dirty spots of mud and half blood staining her porcelain skin,

The picture showing that she had a deep bloody scar going from her eyebrow, going over her right eye and stopping in the middle of her cheek.

" Rumors said that she is the reason why females are forbidden in WoodScouts..and they're right..

She was the strongest beside being the youngest." Max stared at the painting and shivered.

The body picture showed that she looked younger than he is, yet she was only wearing a black sport bra,
Her chest and shoulders were covered in scars, some bleeding others being already healed.

She was only wearing black shorts and visibly bloody combat boots.

Her thighs were also covered in bloody scars and bandages, some looking like they came from animals.

𝑨𝒒𝒖𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝑬𝒚𝒆𝒔 (𝐶𝑎𝑚𝑝 𝐶𝑎𝑚𝑝)Where stories live. Discover now