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At heeseung

Wait guys it's a call from jaeyun heeseung said.

(H-heeseung hyung it's sunoo)
Hey Sunoo where is jaeyun
(He he's)
He's what sunoo
(He here)
Let me talk to him sunoo
(No hyung he's bleeding)
Bleeding? Sunoo what happened
(There were hunters it the building and got hit by an arrow and he's not waking up heeseung hyung please hurry)
Ok sunoo stay where you are I'm coming for you guys please keep my boyfriend alive
(Ok hyung)

Call ended

"Shit guys, we have to go to school now," heeseung said." Why what happened? " sunghoon asked "The school was under attack jaeyun and sunoo are in there," heeseung said. "Ok let's go I'll drive," Jay said as the three hopped into heeseung's car.

Time skipped

"Heeseung bro calm down I'm sure they're alright." Jay said "Alright Jay my boyfriend got hit by a fucking arrow and your driving slow ofc I'll be worried," heeseung said fuck I shouldn't have let him go to school. Heeseung cursed under his breath. 

"We're Here," Jay said as he saw heeseung flow out of the car as fast as lightning.

Hearing screams and seeing dead bodies heeseung got worried.

Hey Sunoo I have Jaeyun's location on Stay on the Call and Hide I'm almost there
Ok hyung I'm hiding
Ok I'm on my way
On call

"Heeseung wait up," sunghoon said.
Sunoo heard sunghoon's voice through the phone and smiled.
"I have their location follow me there here,"heeseung said.

Hey Sunoo I'm here ok which room are you in
I'm in 203 oh I hear you knocking

Heeseung looked up he wasn't even near that number

"Sunoo don't open the door ok," he said but too late he heard a scream. And the call ended

Sung- heeseung called but he was nowhere to be found.

"Shhhhhhhh "sunghoon covered sunoo's mouth "I'm here ok where jaeyun," he said whispering into sunoo's ears. he is in the closet sunoo said. wait for me here ok sunghoon said and kissed sunoo's lips. 

minutes later heeseung showed up "jaeyun" heeseung called but the boy didn't answer. "jaeyun baby wake up please I don't want to lose you baby please," heeseung said crying while holding his boyfriend's lifeless body. heeseung looked around and found the arrow that was thrown at jaeyun. he looked closely just to see his family emblem on the top of the arrow. "take jaeyun home I need to go somewhere and call a doctor to check on him" heeseung said as he walked away. "hey, jaeyun" sunghoon called while shaking the boy. "hoon hyung he won't get up just pick him up and take him home,"  sunoo said. "got it" sunghoon said placing jaeyun on his back.

with heeseung 

"hey jay take jaeyun home ill go through the woods to my parents I don't want anyone seeing me while I run so please take care of my baby and drive safe," heeseung said as he ran behind the school. a few minutes later sunghoon and sunoo showed up Jay got out of the car and helped sunghoon. "hoon put him in the back seat" sunoo said and sunghoon nodded.

jay and sunghoon got into the front and drove straight to heeseung's house. "sunoo call doctor hong, Jay tell heeseung he was safe" sunghoon said as he went into the house, sunoo knows what doctor to call. 

hello Mr hong this is Kim sunoo I'm calling to ask if you can come to heeseung's house like rn 
(ok I'm on my way hold tight)

call ended

"I called him already, "sunoo said walking into the room. "ok I want you to get him a pair of clothes and boxers check heeseung's room," sunghoon said." heeseung said he's come in a while" Jay yelled and ran to help hoon. "ok help me take him to the bathroom I need to clean his wound," sunghoon said as they both lifted him to the bathtub

they placed jaeyun in the tub taking his shirt off to meet a purple bruised wound "Oh shit" sunghoon said "Wh-what happened hoon is he ok" Jay asked "Jay tell heeseung to come now"sunghoon said. "Sunghoon tell me what happened" jay said holding sunghoon." Jay he's gonna die he was poison that's the same purple bruise I saw on my brothers body before he died these things kill a vampire within 8 hours" sunghoon said stressing. So how long has he been asleep for" jay asked "atleast 2 hours now" sunoo mentioned. "Ok so we have time to save him right" jay said as they heard a knock on the door. "Sunghoon clean him up I'll check". Sunghoon did what he was told and wash jaeyun up

Jay went to opened the door but before he can open it fully he met with an worried face "where is he" heeseung said rushing into the house "he's in the bathroom" jay mentioned. As he followed heeseung up the stairs. "baby" heeseung shouted. "Hyung we're here" sunoo shouted as heeseung followed the voice. " yunnie yunnie baby walk up please",heeseung once again tried to wake up the sleeping boy. "Heeseung he was poisoned look" as sunghoon showed him the wound, heeseung eyes become teary and hugged his boyfriend. "I'll save you baby" he whispered into his ears. "Hee we called Joshua hyung to come and check him" sunghoon said. "So where is he" heeseung said "I'm here" Joshua said where heeseung said with a broken voice. "your door was opened" Joshua answered "now let me look at him" he said as he walked towards heeseung.
"Heeseung you need to let him go"
Joshua mentioned but heeseung hold onto jaeyun tighten. "Heeseung" Joshua called as heeseung let him go. "Hyung please make him better he's all I have and you know that" heeseung said. "It's ok lil bro we have so many time to heal him" Joshua said holding his brothers hand. "Thank you hyung" heeseung said.
The boys watched as Joshua healed jaeyun (he's a healer)  Joshua's hands moved up and down jaeyun's back as the purple faded away. "He's ok now he's gonna wake up in a few minutes" Joshua mentioned  heeseung felled on the ground in  relief as he finally knew that his boyfriend will survive. "Take good care of him heeseung" Joshua said as heeseung ran up to jaeyun and kissed him "thank you God" heeseung prayed. "Heeseungie" heeseung heard a voice he lifted his head to see his boyfriends eyes flutter open. "What happened why were you crying" jaeyun said whipping heeseung's tears "I thought you were going to die baby" heeseung said sobbing again. "I had the weirdest dream I saw a shadow figure standing over me I couldn't move I was so scared heeseung I was so scared" jaeyun said as they hugged "I know you where baby I was too from now on you won't leave my side neither go back to school ok" heeseung said placing his fore head on jaeyun as jaeyun nodded. "I love you baby heeseung said "I love you too heeseung" jaeyun answered as they kissed.  "Your finally safe my love" heeseung said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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