"Future dread"

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The orange glow of the fire pit in the center of the tent bathed the ninja in its warmth. It crackled and popped while they sat around it and talked. Apparently, the Fire Tribe attacked the Ice Tribe two days before the ninja arrived, but they were overpowered and ran off. Consequently, they were still around the area when the group passed through the mountain path; hence the easy ambush. Well, hopefully the soldiers learned their lesson in the avalanche. Don’t mess with elemental masters. Though Lloyd technically has elemental powers, he doesn’t really consider himself an elemental master. Energy, or whatever Garmadon decided to call it, didn’t really feel like an element to him. Sure, it was a power, but it felt out of place next to ones like- ice, earth, water, wind, fire, or lightning. Garmadon’s power, destruction, was also a little bit of an oddball; but at least it made some sense when you take into consideration that his brother was the master of creation. It was a yin and yang situation. Lloyd snapped out of his trance of being deep in thought when he heard his name being called. He looked up to see Cole looking at him like he was waiting for him to say something. “Well?” The master of earth pressed. “What’s our plan? Where do we go from here?”

The green ninja reached into his bag, that was leaning against the log he was sitting on, and pulled out a map. His emerald eyes scanned the picture over. “Well, we need to head to the Wind Tribe next, but…”

Jay’s eyes widened. “The Wind Tribe!? Lloyd, no offense, but those guys are- one, a mystery. Like, we don’t even know if they’re around anymore! And two, if they are somehow existent, they LIVE ON AN ISLAND!!! How are we supposed to even get to them!??”

Zane gently placed a hand on Jay’s shoulder. “There is no need to get so worried about such things. Anxious thinking will get you nowhere. Lloyd knows what he’s doing, so please let him continue.”

Lloyd nodded and thanked Zane. “That’s very nice of you, but there isn’t much to do other than build some sort of flotation to take us across the ocean.”

“Yes, well, fortunately for you, you won’t have to worry about that dilemma any longer.” A new voice interjected the conversation. Everyone turned to see a young woman standing in the back corner of the tent. Her long red hair moved swiftly as she walked closer them. And the symbol on her chest plate… The Fire Tribe insignia. Her golden eyes seemed to glow in the firelight, and her expression was sinister tied into a smile. Zane stood up from the log he was sitting on and faced the woman. “There’s no reason for you to be here. Kindly leave and never return.” His voice was as stern and cold as his element. He didn’t look overly mad though, strict at best.

The fire soldier giggled. “Awww… You asked so politely almost makes me want to consider acknowledging you…. Ha! No. I’m not here for your frozen hide,” she unsheathed her blade and pointed it at Lloyd. “I’m here for him.”

Cole sprang up, standing in front of the green ninja with his arms outstretched. “I’m not letting you kill him!” He growled.

The soldier seemed amused by the statement. “Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it. Unfortunately, I’m not allowed to kill him. The emperor wants him alive!”
Lloyd’s face paled and his heart sank. Oh, First Spinjitzu Master, no… The leader of the Fire Tribe wants him. ALIVE! That could only mean that he wants to end his life himself. Whoever’s in charge wants to personally take care of the problem. That terrified Lloyd… mostly because he knew how brutal they were supposed to be. He knew if they got him, it wouldn’t be a fast death. For someone they considered a traitor, he knew they’d make him suffer for as long as they could. Slowly rip him apart limb from limb until he gives out… Shivers ran down his spine as he unintentionally ducked further behind Cole. Jay and Zane also seemed to have moved further up to be in a protective position. Jay, a little further away, and looking like he would run and ditch them all in a heartbeat. The soldier lunged at them, and a fight broke out. Zane, for the first few moments, merely dodged, almost refusing to fight back, but the second the edge of the blade skimmed his cheek, his inner animal came out. Literally. He turned into a falcon and screeched as he swiped at her with his talons. Again though, seemingly only trying to push her back. Jay shot out a blast of lightning, but she deflected it with her sword. Cole tried to land a super power punch, but she was too fast and agile. In the chaos of the fight, everything around Lloyd suddenly stopped. It was like time froze. He couldn’t believe it, had he done this?! Was this a hidden side to his powers that didn’t reveal itself until this moment?!

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