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The group wandered through the dying jungle; following closely behind Morro. Then, finally, they arrived at another sandy shore. It would be an absolutely astonishing beach, if it weren’t for the wreckage of what looked like an old village. A charred, demolished, wreck. It hurt to look at. Especially knowing that this was once someone's beautiful home.
"Well, here they are. Welcome to the Water Tribe." Morro gestured to the piles of charcoal that were once houses. Cole walked out into the center of the village and picked up a rusty Fire Tribe sword that was sticking out of the sand. He examined it, then looked around at the others. "I don't think there's a Water Tribe to recruit, Lloyd."

Jay looked out over the ocean with a sigh. It was a shame. The stories he used to here about the Water Tribe were so cool. The leader was said to be able to summon their elemental powers into a dragon made of pure water, then send it to attack. It would have been so awesome to see... Just as that thought passed his mind, he startled, catching a glimpse at something in the water. The blue ninja fell backwards into the sand as he and the creature made eye contact.  Jay’s sapphire eyes glistened with intrigue and terror as they met with the glowing blue eyes of the water creature. Then, it disappeared. Jay yelled for the others to come quickly as he frantically tried to explain what he saw.
Morro rolled his eyes. "I think you've been in the sun too long, you must be hallucinating. There's no such thing as a spirit made of ocean water."

"Perhaps, or perhaps not." Zane added. "There's clearly been death and turmoil here, so a haunting wouldn't be all that surprising. Though, I'm not so sure about the 'made of water' part."

"But I SAW them! They we right there!!" Jay pointed down towards the water and the entire group jumped at the sight of a being made of pure water peeking out from right where he was pointing. It was only exposed from half the noise up, but it was very clearly a person. Or.... person shaped?
Either way, it was there. Lloyd looked on baffled. "Who... are you?" He quietly asked.

The spirit blinked as it tilted its head, but it remained silent.

Zane knelt down to look at it further. "I am Zane, leader of the Ice Tribe, and these are my friends. Lloyd of the Jade Tribe, Cole of the Desert, Jay of the Lightning, and Morro; the leader of the Wind Tribe. The ones that live on this island. And you are?"

The elemental entity tilted its head again, but this time, after a moment, it spoke. "I am Nya."

They could tell the voice was feminine, but it had a very mystical, echoing quality to it. She looked up at Morro, scanning his eyes. "You... you’re lungs move by the power of Wojira. You are like me."

Cole questioned what she meant, and Morro’s face turned pale. "Oh. Well- I.... when the Fire Tribe attacked last, they...........” He fell silent as he realized all eyes were on him. He knew he'd have to bring it up eventually, so he might as well do it now. He let out a long sigh. "The Fire Tribe attacked our village and they murdered several people, including my parents. But they didn't stop there. Those wretched terrorists wanted all the elemental masters dead! That included me. I was only 6 years old, and some absolute monster found me hiding away.... they killed me............ But not before I saw his glowing purple eyes." The whole coast seemed to fall silent, as if the winds and tide were mourning.

Cole broke the baffled silence. "Wait- if you died that night, then how come you're here?"

Jay stared at him in fear. "YOU’RE A GHOST!!!??"

Morro snorted. "No, I’m not! Now, if you could let me finish---- I was dead and gone; bleed out and cold. Everyone found me like that, and decided to give me a burial at sea. But as they were about to watch my boat sink, the waves stopped. Wojira emerged from the ocean and revived me. It's like it refused to let its powers bloodline die like that. I don’t remember much after catching my breath, but I do know I've felt different ever since. That's also when the green streak in my hair appeared."

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