"The Fire's Punishment"

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The molten lava flowed through the canals of the volcanic grounds; bathing everything in an orange glow. The interior of the volcano temple was illuminated by the lava and torchlight. The leader sat on his throne looking bored. His firey eyes glistened in the dancing firelight as he looked around, then down at a man who was walking into the room. Clouse glanced up at him; irritation staining his face. "Master Kai, it would be wise of you to get off your behind and train. We're about to go to war."

The master of fire yawned as he sat up straighter. "I don't need to train. I've been doing it since I was born. I'm the strongest fighter in all of Ninjago, you know that, you're the one who constantly made me fight."

Clouse smiled. "Why, of course your highness. It was all for this upcoming moment. A skilled fighter doesn't easily go down. The training might have been intense, but it was certainly for your own good."

Kai looked down as he almost reluctantly agreed and moved towards the door. Just as he was about to open the front doors, they swung open; nearly hitting him. On the other side stood Ronin and Skylor. They were covered in dirt and blood. Bruises and shame covered their faces as they stood before the leader. Regardless of their agony, they bowed before him and quietly admitted their failure. They hadn’t successfully killed the elemental masters or captured Lloyd. Kai’s fiery aura ignited; sending shivers down their spines. Before he could scold them, two purple tendrils shot out from beneath the assassins and lifted them into the air by their necks. The two desperately struggled to grasp the strangling vines wrapping around their throats. Kai’s aura slowly diminish as he turned to Clouse; whose eyes were glowing an evil purple. His hand extended towards the soldiers, the magic seemed to tighten with the clamp of his hand.
"I gave you two ONE job..." He hissed. "I told you to capture the green ninja and take out the rest... That young Garmadon was plotting against us! Creating an army of the other tribes!!! I tasked you to STOP THEM! DID I NOT?!" His grip on their necks tightened as he scolded them; their breaths became desperate gasps as it did. "And now that I've seen your failure first hand in my crystal, AND you have the ignorance to return here... I SHALL MAKE YOU PAY!!!"

Kai looked in-between Clouse and the soldiers frantically. "H- hold on! I'm the leader! I decide their fate!!! You have no right to punish them without my say!"

Another tendril shot from the ground and wrapped around Kai’s waist; locking him in place. Clouse's eyes burned with an overflow of energy as his long black hair began flowing outwards from the power. Kai yelled for him to back off, but he pretend not to hear him. With no warning, the tendril around Skylor's neck snapped beyond tightly. A sickening crack echoed through the throne room as a gasp escaped her lips and her struggles stopped. The limp body dropped to the ground while a steady stream of scarlet blood flowed from her mouth. Ronin’s eyes slowly began to shut as his breathing started to cease. Clouse released him the moment it did, slamming him into the obsidian tiles. The assassin took a deep, desperate, labored gasp as he latched onto his burning throat; writhing on the ground. Kai was released as well, but very carefully. Even though he was free to, he couldn’t move. He had seen plenty of death before, even being the proud cause of a few, but this... it was different somehow. Yet, he didn't know why. He didn't feel BAD necessarily, he'd been desensitized to murder from a very young age. Even before his father had died, and Clouse took over as his caretaker. He had been groomed to be a heartless killer, it wasn’t his fault, it was all he knew. What was keeping him in place wasn't downright fear either. It was something else. Some unknown force...

Clouse growled at the barley conscious soldier. "The only reason you still live is because you've been proven useful in the past. That, and you're the captain of the guards. If I kill you, I would have to get someone else to do your job, and that's a lot of work I don't want to have to do. Still- I find it greatly disappointing that you achieved that rank from killing an elemental master. Yet... you couldn’t do it now."

Ronin glanced up at the sorcerer, still trying to get his breathing regulated again. "I don't know why. He was only a 6-year-old. All I did was finish him off after you started it."

Clouse turned away. "That windy brat unleashed his full fury when I drew his blood. The hurricane he started nearly blew the entire village down. It was your sword that pierced his lungs. You landed the blow I could not. THAT'S why you are praised for what you have done. Now stand up and leave this palace before I change my mind and snap your neck too."

Ronin scrambled to his feet and darted away, leaving Clouse and Kai alone. Kai watched as the sorcerer levitated Skylor out of the room and closed the door behind him. He glared at the master of fire before doing a respectful bow. "Your highness." He sighed. Then, he left the room to go down the hallway. The fire leader finally broke free of the invisible force and shook off the lingering cloud in his mind. Clouse was powerful, he had to admit that, but the way he went against Kai’s orders wasn't normal. At least, he didn't think so. There had to have been a reason for it- perhaps the spell took over and he really didn't hear him???


That had to be it.

Kai refused to think on it further and went to go train like he was told. After all- it was for his own good.

Just like Clouse said.

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