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I stood there not being able to turn my face after being slapped by a person who I am still getting accustomed to think as my husband, let alone call him one. Aditi and Aditya were arguing in the background. I couldn't hear their conversation rather some faded noise due to mental daze.

"Enough Aditi!", He yelled causing my hearing power to return to normal.

I turned around feeling melancholic for the girl who was getting scolded just because she is advocating for me.

"She is my f**king wife and I know better as to how to deal with her. You don't have to teach me how to handle her.", He barked.

Deal.. Handle.. Wow!!

"I was bloody locked up in that bathroom for over 2 hours. Do you even realise how suffocating it is in that small space? Moreover, there was even a power cut for fifteen f**king minutes.", He continued yelling.

Although I disagree with his earlier statements since he doesn't even know anything about me and is talking about knowing how to deal with me or handle me, I still felt guilty for the accusations he placed on me.

"If you still feel sympathetic towards her then I guess you deserve to spend two hours locked up in that scarcely ventilated bathroom.", He said which made Aditi gasp in fear.

"No.. You won't do that.. It was not her mistake. I.. I am sorry.", I spoke which made him pull daggers at me. I instantly hung my head down feeling ashamed.

"Brother, I understand your point and I know she is your wife but you still shouldn't have reacted the way you did. Mom wants you downstairs, the guests are leaving.", Aditi uttered and left us alone in the room.

"Rrrr..", he grumpily kicked and sat on the bed while I stood still in the same place like a convict in the courtroom. Even though my head was staring down at the floor, I could sense his eyes digging a hole at me.

He sighed getting up suddenly and my heart skipped a beat with the thought of what would be his next move. As his feet approached nearer, my eyes clenched shut in fear expecting more abuse from him. It's only when I heard the wardrobe door creak, I looked at him through the corner of my eyes and realised that he was only changing his clothes.

He chuckled when I turned my back at him immediately allowing him privacy. Soon the room was filled with the strong aroma of his perfume which he sprayed.

The next moment, I could smell the same perfume just a few inches away from me as he slid his hand around my waist from the right and pulled me closer. I wriggled a little uncomfortably as his hand touched the bare skin on my waist.

"I hope you understand that whatever happens in this room stays in this room itself.", He said yanking me with him out of the room and I stared at his face blankly.

Would I be wrong if I expect a simple apology from him for slapping me? I mean, I am not saying that whatever I did was right, but I genuinely said sorry to him for it. So, wasn't it natural for him to say sorry as well?

I lowered my eyes when he turned to look at me with a smirk.

"Don't expect sorry from me, Sahana. You would have done the same if you were me.", He mumbled while we went down the stairs.

Would I? Would he be okay if I did the same? My thoughts went to last night and then to this early morning when he kissed me and groped me inappropriately without my consent. As in any normal circumstances, didn't he deserve the same kind of treatment for such an act. Can I slap him now for making me feel uncomfortable by holding my waist?

"Smile.. there are people around us..", he mumbled by squeezing the love handles on my waist. I gasped at his action. My lips curved into a forced smile.

"Hey bro! Looks like you slept late last night hence it took you so long to wake up, huh?", His cousin winked and spoke in a teasing tone.

"I can't give you details because you are already very smart with the guessing.", Aditya winked in return and high fived with his right hand while his left was still encircling my waist.

What rubbish! Why is he is feeding their fantasies with false information?

"Awww.. Bro, you are being so shameless. Atleast think about your wife whose cheeks have become red as tomato with all the blushing.", His cousin replied.

Yeah!! Try getting slapped hard on your cheeks and I am sure even you would be blushing like me.

I can feel Aditya staring at my face. I stare back when I feel his hand subtly caress my waist lustfully. Why can't he keep his hands to himself?

"Aditya, come here and take your uncle-aunt's blessings. They are leaving shortly.", his mother called. Finally, he released his torturing grip on my waist.

"I'll be back soon", he whispered in my ears making me cringe.

Go to hell!!


"I am sorry Amma..", I bit my tongue in fear as I clenched my eyes shut.

Wait a minute! I didn't say that loud, did I? And did I hear my mother call me?

I turned around to find.. Aditi? She was with her phone and on the screen was my mother's half zoomed face.

"Amma..", I snatched the phone from Aditi's hand immediately.

"How are you Sahana?", My mother asked.

"Amma.. I..", My emotional conversation was interrupted by the voice on the other side.

"..is that even a question to ask Madhu? We gave her farewell yesterday evening only. What would happen to her within this short time?", I heard my father say to her in the background. Huh! I wish I could say everything that happened. I composed myself quickly.

I lifted my head up to see Aditi who was still standing there. She lowered her head before going away giving me the privacy. Perhaps she might have also remembered the slap I earned in front of her a few minutes ago.

"Yes, whatever! Please let me speak to my daughter.", My mother chastised my father.

"Amma, I can only see your nose and mouth. Could you please keep your phone a little far so that I can see your entire face?", I said to my mother. I hate to say this but I was missing my ever nagging mother already.

"Why are you so stupid Sahana? If I keep the phone far, how will you hear me?", My mother asked that made me check my surroundings immediately. Everyone was busy in their own world. Thank God no one heard my mother calling me stupid, I sighed.

"Just the way you can hear me Amma.", I said in an obvious tone rolling my eyes at her.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me? Sahana, what is this behaviour? Is this the way you behave with your elders? I hope you are behaving well with everyone in your new family, Sahana. I don't want to hear any complaints or bad names from your in-laws.", Here she goes with her never ending nagging.

"Amma, I will call you later.", I said wanting to end the torture.

"Here she goes again. She wants to disconnect because I am putting some wise thoughts in her brain. Oh dear Lord, what will I do with this girl?", She bragged to her favourite God like always. Now I am not feeling the seperation anxiety anymore because she is giving me normal everyday feeling even sitting 400kms away from my home.

"Amma.. Amma.. I am sorry. There is function going on and I am surrounded by guests. That's why I said I will call you later.", I gave explanation after apologizing for an unknown reason.

"What? Sahana, you careless girl. Why didn't you tell me this earlier? What they must be thinking about me now?", Argghhh.. she started yet again. Am I not the one to be concerned about facing someone who hears this?

"Amma, stop crying. Nobody heard you but I must disconnect before someone hears you.", I said gritting my jaws after losing my little patience.

"Sahana.. Be Patient!!", She said her patented dialogue in her ever strict tone

"Okay Amma.. Bye", I mumbled with a frowning face before disconnecting.


To be continued..

Sahana - Be Patient!! (Slow Update)Where stories live. Discover now