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~ 13 ~

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~ 13 ~

"Life is about how much you can take and keep fighting, how much you can suffer and keep moving forward."
~Anderson Silva






After the horrible attack, the refugees from wall Maria were forced to live on the streets if they didn't find anywhere to go.

The food was limited, and the people, even the children were close to starving.

It was only two days after the attack, and Charlie didn't return back to the headquarters of the survey corps yet.

She had to make sure of some things first. And these things were named Yeager's children.

She wanted to repay the man with money but apparently, that money was gone now. She already requested her informants about information about him and his family.

Unfortunately, he and his wife passed, but his children were still alive. They too were forced to live on the streets.

At the moment, Charlie was standing a good distance away from the three children that seemed to be arguing.

Her cigarette was lit as her blue and brown eyes watched them yell at each other.

The girl knows how to throw a punch.

An elder woman stood beside Charlie, lots of money inside her hand. She was beaming at it. Charlie rolled her eyes.

"If I catch you breaking our deal, better pray to fuck. I have my eyes and ears everywhere, don't forget..." She threatened the older woman.

The woman seemed intimidated, quickly pushing the money inside her pocket. "I'll go now Miss Ackerman..." She said, walking straight towards the three children.

Charlie didn't know the blond boy, but because he was obviously a friend of theirs, she felt responsible to pay for him too.

So as she saw the woman talk to the three of them, Charlie turned around, blowing out the smoke from her cigarette.

Her eyes landed on a man leaning on a wall, a hood covering his face. He was staring, very intently.

She didn't pay him any mind, walking away slowly. Her task was taken care of now, so she could return to the survey corps without worrying.

At this day, the three friends, Eren, Mikasa and Armin were offered to stay at a farm inside wall Rose.

The elder woman claimed to be a friend of Eren's father Grisha. And as an old friend of his, she would provide a place to live and food for them without question.

•̲E̲̲y̲̲e̲̲s̲ ̲o̲̲f̲ a̲ ̲k̲̲i̲̲l̲̲l̲̲e̲̲r̲ • •̲J̲̲e̲a̲̲n̲ K̲.•Where stories live. Discover now