Chapter thirty one

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Jacob was walking to Bella as he entered the living room. Bella was on the couch while Edward was in the same spot he's usually in. Ophelia and Jasper were sitting on a chair, her on his lap.

As Jacob walked in, Bella was getting up with the help of Rose and Ophelia, Alice and Esme watching her carefully.

"Hey, are you okay?" Bella asked the boy in concern.

"Yeah," he started. "it's not like I'm the one carrying a demon."

"This is pretty important, Bella." Rosalie said, looking at the brunette. "Why don't you tell Jacob what you've decided."

"Wha- What now?" Jacob asked in alarm.

Edward smirked and looked at the wolf. "Rose is trying to talk Bella out of her baby names."

"She hates them." Bella sighed.

"Well then I'm on your side no matter what you picked." Jacob commentary slyly.

"They're not that bad." Bella defended with a soft tone. "If it's a boy, E.J, Edward Jacob."

"Okay fine, that one's not awful." Rosalie sighed. Ophelia watched in amusement as Bella and Rosalie stared at one another.

"Why don't you tell them the girls name?"
Ophelia suggested.

"I was playing around with our mom's names, Renee and Esme. And I was thinking, Renesme."

Jacob's eyebrows furrowed and he had a little bit of a unsure look to him. "Renesme?" He asked, wanting to make sure he heard her correctly.

"Too weird?" Bella frowned.


"No, it's not too weird." Edward smiled at her.
"It's beautiful. And it's unique, which certainly fits the situation. I like Renesme."

Bella smiled at this. Rose reached down for the styrofoam cup full of blood then handed it to Bella.

"He likes it." Bella said, looking at Rosalie. Rose just rolled her eyes as a response. Bella reached for the cup of blood only for her to drop it on the floor and break open, making the blood to spill from the cup. Bella reaches down to grab it only for her spine to snap in half forcing a loud painful gasp to fall from her lips as she fell to the floor, her knees cracking as well.

Edward quickly sped over and placed a hand under her head before it slammed against the floor. Alice rushed over as did Ophelia.

"Bella!" Alice called out, the human was dazed and couldn't see straight. Bella was trying to find Alice in the crowd of faces but wasn't able to see her.

Rose, Edward, and Jacob carried Bella to Carlisle's office. Alice called him to let him know. Ophelia couldn't go in there. There was no way she could watch Bella die.

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