Chapter fourty-one

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"It doesn't matter what show you. You still won't change your decision." Alice sneered. She turned to look at her family. She mouthed "now."

Alice then twisted around and kicked Aro into the air. He flew back into the air, his hands flailing about before reaching the ground on his knees and popping back up. That caused everyone to tense.

Two of the Volturi members ran to grab Alice. Everyone stepped forward in alarm. "Take her away" Aro ordered. Sabrina struggled in the vampires that held hers grasps.

"Alice..." Ophelia whimpered.

"LET HER GO!" Carlisle hollered. He used his speed to run at the Volturi. Two members ran at him too but he threw them away from him and kept going. He jumped into the air, but so did Aro.

When they landed, Carlisle's body was limp. And in Aro's hand... was Carlisle Cullen's head.

Esme cried out for her love in shock. Everyone couldn't believe their eyes. Shock was evident on every single vampires face.

Caius set fire to Carlisle's headless body. Everyone ran to them now, they all held determined faces. The wolves growled at each other, getting each other ready for war. They all started to run forward now too. Aro then raised his arms and his army ran towards the Cullen's.

They all had impacted the other side. Wolves but the enemy vampires, the Cullen's and their friends broke a few limbs.

Jane walked behind her kings until her eyes reached Jasper. Bella took notice and expanded her shield towards him to protect him from Jane's dangerous stare. Alec, Jane's brother, matched his twin's stare and followed the direction to Bella. He got up from the body he was standing over and charged at the newborn.

That caused Bella's focus to shift away from her brother in law. Jane then took this as her chance to get him.

Jasper was fighting a Volturi member when he felt it. Agonizing pain. Two new members held his arms back at the one from earlier chopped his head off.

Ophelia turned around just in time to see this. She screamed bloody murder and pulled the arms off of the member he was fighting, right after she charged to her husband's murderers.

Bella only then got free, kicking Alec away from her. He rolled around then got into a crouching position. Emmet ran over and grabbed him before he could attack Bella. He twisted his head off and threw his body. It landed in front of the Volturi kings and his twin sister. Jane looked at it disbelievingly.

Tanya and Kate were fighting off three vampiric men. Kate used her powers to paralyze one of them, giving enough time to tear his arms off. Sabrina was with Alice, them both teaming up on a few of the Volturi followers.

As Edward was fighting off some of the Volturi, he was distracted. Another one of the Volturi took notice he was being overpowered so he began to head over to them. However before he could, Seth jumped at him, taking him down. He bit off his head but as he did so he didn't notice Jane coming up at him.

She stood in front of him, her red eyes staring down at him. He growled at her but then flew back as pain took over his small body. He tried to run but a vampire came up behind him and snapped his neck. He landed on the snow, heavily panted, breathing his last breath.

Leah stopped fighting the vampire she was on top of. She watched as her baby brother struggled to breathe. She howled in despair, letting the other wolves know what had just happened.

The howl was so loud it reached Jacob. He understood what the howl said. He was in denial but he still had tot take Renesme to safety. Especially with the vampire that had been chasing them since they left the field.

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